The Truth About Climate Change

Let’s get to the true facts about climate change and how a liberal political agenda is using it as a base to brainwash our children through the teachers union, and mislead Canadians behind their real motives.

First and foremost, no matter who’s in political power, it’s important to show the people (who you represent) there’s growth in our economy. Growth means jobs, exporting to importing services and/or products ,and joining a strong respectable relationship with foreign leaders. In Canada 🇨🇦 it’s vital each province agrees with the federal government, in order to get anything done. Think of it as a mathematical equation. If one of these equations don’t add up, it just won’t work. You then know there’s a hidden agenda, programmed to raise the economy by false pretences.

Before I go into the false pretences, let’s go over “The Truth About Climate Change”. As a writer, it’s important to seek out the facts with a nonpartisanism view. My goal is to research the science before anything else, tapping into the hard work of respected research scientists across our planet. In my research, I have found a geophysicist showcasing the facts about climate change, without any political agenda attached.

Here are the facts :

“ As a geophysicist let me clear some things up for many here.

Climate change is real. Yes, those who say the climate has been warmer in the past are totally correct. During the Carboniferous hothouse period and the Palaeocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum the temperature’s were far far hotter than they are today (and many other times in Earth’s history also).

So the notion that this is the warmest the Earth has been is totally incorrect.

However, the rate at which we are warming is alarmingly – so quick that this rate of change is extremely rare within the geologic record of the last two hundred years. Evolutionary adaptions occur over sub-geologic time ; hence change at such rate will undoubtedly cause extinctions.

[ aka : Earth causes human extinction and then reboots for three million years, developing a new evolutionary species.]

However, are we on the brink of disaster?

Is it scientifically accurate to say that there is no return if we don’t “fix” the climate now?

Absolutely NOT !

In fact we can easily reverse this provided we combine a number of geoengineering techniques.

It is a matter of fact that we will and have to continue to burn and utilize fossil fuels. Plastics, rubbers, chemical catalysts, feedstocks, etc and, not to mention infrastructures, cars, planes, all rely on fossil fuels.

Society would simply collapse without them ! That’s a fact!

Not only that but they provide the only affordable and large-scale energy source. The key is NOT to concentrate on reducing the necessity that is fossil fuels but instead to engineer our way around the issue.

Carbon Capture Storage is an excellent mechanism.

In fact it’s only disadvantage (according to the media) is it may leak back to the surface. This is virtually impossible by the laws of geology and physics!

When CO2 is injected into the subsurface it is done so as a supercritical fluid.

CO2 possesses a lower affinity for the solid silica surfaces of the microscopic interstices between rock grains.

This means that CO2 is non-wetting to that silica surface. It occupies the largest regions of the pore space.

This means when we inject water after CO2 the water can flow along the surface and the narrow regions of the pore space and trap the CO2 behind.

The analogy for this is as follows: Imagine flooding a room with only two exits with CO2. If the two exit doors are flooded outside by water then the CO2 physically becomes immobile. This means the CO2 is trapped and locked away for geologic time. By doing so we can extract more than enough CO2 from the atmosphere and reverse increase in temperatures and the coinciding side-effects.

Not only this but so many other excellent geoengineering ideas have been shown to work. Look at space mirrors, artificial trees and white surface conversions. There are some excellent papers on google scholar, just search for geoengineering.

The future is to continue extracting fossil fuels and an ever increasing rate so that everyone across the world can enjoy the quality of life that we do, but to simultaneously capture the emissions that result.

The truth is we need the news to start interviewing world experts on climate science, geophysics, geochemistry, petroleum science etc from the world’s top institutions in these fields: Stanford, Oxford, Imperial, MIT.

Not school kids who have been taught scientific inaccuracies!

So to summarize:

1. Is the climate changing? Yes. You are an idiot if you dispute this – the geochemistry clearly supports this.

2. Are we in risk of disaster? Are we all going to die? Do we need to stop burning fossil fuels like we do today? Absolutely not!

3. We need to employ geoengineering techniques in combination to reverse the modifications in climatic chemistry that we have seen over the last 250 years. This will require governments to employ the relevant policy, although many oil companies have started to utilize these techniques (look at the success of Equinor).

4. We need to begin to explore space, as we will soon be well beyond Earth’s carrying capacity which inherently makes climate change inevitable – our future home is among the stars.

Today’s Lesson : Don’t listen to the news, it’s designed to fit a certain agenda. Instead research the science; google scholar is a god send. Make sure you’re reading articles from established institutions with well respected research scientists.” – Bertie James (geophysicist)

It’s vital as human beings to use our brains instead of being distracted by our feelings, in order to understand the underlying truth. Never rely on any politician, as 99% are as bad as used-car-salesmen. They will hide the facts while boosting how their collective party will improve Canadians well-being. [ This is true for any world government] If it sounds too good to be true, it’s NOT the real truth. Unfortunately, this is what the liberal government of Canada is doing right now.

The question is : How do you hide the truth while making yourself sound like a new wave for the future ?

You take a collective problem (aka Climate Change) and begin using this agenda by directing educators and liberal scientists to promote propaganda. Each one has its own agenda ; be it funding or filling their pockets full of money, due to greed. Their goal is persuade you there’s a crisis at hand and if we don’t react, we’ll all die. They lead with some truth while hiding underlining facts.

For example they hide this fact : “During the Carboniferous hothouse period and the Palaeocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum the temperature’s were far far hotter than they are today.” In fact, if you go back millions of years, Earth has had this same cycle since it’s creation.

AND – I hate this idiot response,” How do you know ? Were you there?!”

Put trust in our scientists through countless years of research and study. Like one of Judge Judy’s quotes,” This is my courtroom and I can say what I want. When you become a judge, then we’ll talk.“ So, when you become a distinguished scientist, then we’ll talk.

Is it true mankind has contributed to climate change? Of course they have. But let’s stop blaming everyone without realizing where the problem is coming from. I’m sure you’ve heard media say,” Canada is the problem, as it’s arctic is getting warmer. CBC is a good example of that. They are a liberal collective media machine owned by government funding. So it’s in their best interest to sway Canadians into the overall collective: The Liberal Party.

Here’s an example of CBC media, who received their data from a partisan Dianne Saxe, the former environment commissioner for Ontario who now runs the green consultancy :

“Canada’s refrigerator, the Arctic, is warming fast. The Earth’s climate warms faster near the poles. Why is still being studied, but the reasons include feedback cycles that are internal to the climate system, such as the positive feedbacks that occur when snow and ice melt to reveal darker, warmer surfaces below, and when more energy in the air and water currents are transported to the high latitudes. Also, land warms faster than oceans, and Canada has a huge land area that is away from the oceans.

We often read that Canada has some of the highest per capita carbon emissions in the world. Why is that? “

A collective question to promote their agenda. So what’s their agenda? Shame and program Canadians into thinking we’re the cause for everything wrong by promoting radical extremism, like those who do not believe in eating meat. Those who believe they can say and do anything without any consequences. They’re the thorn in your side. Radical extremists have a chip-on-their-shoulder ready to exploit their views onto everyone, no matter if they like it or not !

It’s like a religious cult trying their best to force you into their beliefs. In one word – Control.

A good example of this is communism. Their goal is to control the mass population by what ever means necessary. They want to program you like a flock of sheep. Our children are easily persuaded through propaganda at school. What better way to bring up their future followers and voters ?

Let’s continue what CBC spokeswoman says in their next paragraph:

“ Reasons include Canada produces very large emissions from its industries, especially oil, gas and petrochemicals. Canadians drive the least efficient vehicles in the world, use a lot of heat during cold winters, fly often and far, eat a lot of beef and use up and throw away immense amounts of stuff of all kinds. Some provinces still burn a lot of coal.”

Here, CBC is shaming Canadians into believing we’re “users” of our resources, which is not completely true. Our vehicles for one, are efficient enough due to our population and CO2 emissions.

China, United States, Russia, European Union, Japan, Germany, North and South Korea, and Brazil (including International Shipping across the globe) all have higher emissions then Canada 🇨🇦. As well, it’s clear humans and animals breathe, emits more CO2 then our processing cattle for food. We inhale air, resulting in 385 parts per million carbon dioxide. As you exhale, you release ten times as much. However, plants soak up our carbon, making it accountable to our living status. This is why it’s so important to look after our plants. It was once joked our plants are harvesting us to keep earth green.

Maybe this is closer to the truth then we know. Trust me, if the earth thought we were a deterrent to the eco-system, human beings and animals would have been eliminated long time ago.

Regardless of that fact, our growing population is the real problem.

Humans are like this disease growing out-of-control.

This is why it’s important “we need to begin to explore space as we will soon be well beyond Earth’s carrying capacity which inherently makes climate change inevitable – our future home is among the stars. “ Bertie James (geophysicist)

Now CBC spokeswoman also blames us for “produces very large emissions from its industries, especially oil, gas and petrochemicals.”

Have you seen the production in Texas lately?

Texas is the leading U.S. producer of both crude oil and natural gas. Then there’s Russia. A whole city is completely polluted by CO2 emissions, petrochemicals waste along with Germany’s massive strip-mining.

It makes Alberta Oil Sands look like a toddler, in comparison. [ Read more by CBC – read behind the lines]

It’s a political ploy to throw the blame onto someone else, in order to gain an economic advantage in their country. United States is laughing all the way to the bank. You think those celebrities weren’t paid to come up to Alberta Oil Sands ? Of course they were ! Don’t forget they fly up in their private high-octane fuelled jets and then use a helicopter to view the area. Each protester, including our very own David Suzuki, leave a significant carbon trail, while collecting a grand sum of cash.

If only we could keep the politics out of science and begin to rely on “The Truth about Climate Change.”

The bottom line is to control our population, adapt to viable resources like using our Sun’s solar energy and power, without being taxed by greedy corporations, who are thirsty for POWER. Plus, we must be vigilant towards the underlying reason our political government has implemented Carbon Tax.

But also remember:

“It is a matter of fact that we will and have to continue to burn and utilize fossil fuels. Plastics, rubbers, chemical catalysts, feedstocks, etc and, not to mention infrastructures, cars, planes, all rely on fossil fuels.

Society would simply collapse without them ! That’s a fact! “

The reason the liberal government is using “Climate Change” as their political machine is to generate money to make it seem like the economy is growing. We already know, by the Bank of Canada, this is certainly NOT the case! In fact, they’re extremely nervous in our overall growth. Legalize marijuana was hoped to produce a surplus of funds too. The liberal government forgot about the long slow process of any government, as its wheels take a long time to get rolling. They also did the unforgivable no no ; they’re priced higher then your local drug dealer – OH OH!

When Justin Trudeau first came into power, I was optimistic in the new leadership. He’s young and the millenniums love him. Oh dear GOD you can do no harm. We believe in you. Praise the Lord.

Oh brother! We aren’t a flock of sheep!

In the beginning I too drank the purple Kool-aid. However, while under deeper scrutiny, I quickly became fearful of his cult following, from changing our Constitutional Rights to taxing us to death 💀. Let’s not forget about rubbing shoulders with SNC-Lavalin, trying to pressure Jody Wilson-Raybould from proceeding a criminal prosecution. Removing any opposition is a clear sign of “controlling the public”.

Let’s be real here.

Political parties are looking after their own hidden agenda. It’s up to us “The People of Canada” to make damn sure their honest and looking towards the interest of ALL Canadians. We can’t be swayed by emotion or follow our leader, like a flock of sheep.

I do hope you haven’t taken part in drinking the purple Kool-aid. Please, please, please…compare real facts with truth and not an underlying political agenda.

Keep every politician accountable for their actions, otherwise “The People of Canada” will no longer have control in our own destiny or our children’s welfare.

As Judge Judy said,”Don’t look up at the heavens. God is not going to help you with this case. Only the truth will set you free.”

Bari Demers – screenwriter

Our Nagging Brain

[ Poster Credit : Bari Demers – self taught graphic designer ]

WE humans are indeed a diverse species with millions of years of evolution, developing in who we are today. It may be our evolutionary timeline was drastically altered by our ancient ancestors, but overall WE have survived.

Interesting, our biological brain, still clouded with its mysterious beginnings, dictates our consciousness to do what we do. It’s the master of our biological body, controlling us everyday living on EARTH.

Only our brain knows our darkest secrets.

It feeds us with intel and safe guards, keeping our ‘Spiritual Being’ free from harm. That IS, only if, we listen to our inner thoughts. Somehow we have the option to reject our basic animalistic warnings, injecting ourselves to bodily harm. Complex our brain is, it too can be subject to all kinds of circuitry malfunction, from a birth defect to severe accidents. If our brain is healthy, firing up all its circuits, its amazing what WE humans can achieve.

Believing who we are can be complicated.

It’s clear our brain and consciousness are constantly fighting, trying to prove our very existence. The creation of man-made religion is clear of that, giving evidence to the battle inside of us all. Each tribe of human beings demanding our ‘religion’ is the right one. It has plagued us throughout our history, resorting mankind to its darkest moments of shame and incogitable terror.

Our consciousness (controlled by our brain) believe we have a soul. The brain tries to calculate why we exist. Who are we? Where do we come from ? Those two basic questions have divided mankind from the very beginning of existence.

To add insult to injury, our brain may think it’s all so powerful, becoming the savage dictators in our historical past and present, tormenting fellow human beings ; subjects to their rule.

On an individual basis, we are constantly fighting ourselves.

For example, I’ll give two different comical dialogues – my BRAIN talking to my ME.


BRAIN : How do you feel ?

ME ( Consciousness) : Who me?

BRAIN : Yes you ! Who else am I talking to?

ME : Why does it matter ?

BRAIN : I need to know you are OK. Are you happy?

ME : Am I happy. No…I don’t think so. Most writers aren’t…

BRAIN : Why aren’t you happy ? What could make you a happy person?

ME : Finding my soul mate would help. Being financially secure would be another one. It would be nice if someone bought my screenplay BLACK ANGELS for $200,000. Then I could be financially secure.

BRAIN : You’re a dreamer!

ME : I know.

BRAIN : What do you believe would make that prefect soul mate ?

ME : Another female human being who has the same interests as me. Who backs me up, sharing identical views.

BRAIN : You realize I’m laughing inside…right? There’s no such thing as that prefect soul mate. It doesn’t exist. It doesn’t exist because human beings are constantly changing, growing from what they were in the beginning. Stop dreaming and be realistic !

ME : Wait a minute ! That’s what I do. I’m a dreamer and a lover of life. That IS why I write. My interest in ‘Space Exploration’ and defining WHO we are, explores my inner thoughts into words. That IS ME.

BRAIN : Me…me…me. It’s NOT all about YOU. You must of heard these words before,” A King has his reign, and then he dies. It’s inevitable.”

ME : I’m not a King !

BRAIN : No. But you ARE just another human being, trying to make his mark in life before you die, It’s inevitable. “ In this world, nothing is certain, except death and taxes.” Time is always against you.

ME : OK then! Thank you Brain for making my life seem so promising.

BRAIN : No problem!

ME : You realize I’m being sarcastic…right?

BRAIN : Of course I do ! After all I control your inner thoughts.


BRAIN : Hello ?


BRAIN : Hello?! Good Morning! Up and Atom.

ME : What ? What do you want?

BRAIN: It’s time to exercise that brain of yours. Come on …

ME : Yeah …yeah…do I have to ?

BRAIN : You must! I need me in top shape. So…let’s move those muscles. Get-up and begin your workout program. Up Up Up ! Besides, the rest of us had a talk.

ME: What ?! Who? What do you mean? Your such a crazy Brain.

BRAIN : I’ve just had a meeting with your heart, lungs and liver. They want me to be the spokesman. Actually, I’m the Leader of the Pack. Well…just between you and me, I’m much smarter than they will ever be.

ME: It sounds like a conspiracy to me. What did you all talk about?

BRAIN: The heart, lungs and liver say,” You’re doing a great job, but you must keep going. It’s essential to your health.”

ME: OK. But I don’t feel like it.

BRAIN: Too bad. Cry me a River! Let’s get out of bed and out that door.

ME : Ok ! Ok …fine! You’re such a nag sometimes.


In conclusion our brain dictates who we are. But is it our consciousness ? Do we have a soul ? Is there more then our physical existence? I choose to believe there is more…a lot more. And I’m NOT talking about man-made religion or the singular GOD in the sky.

No. I’m talking about SPIRITUALITY – OUR DESTINY.

Thank you nagging brain.

Bari Demers – screenwriter


The Heart of Depression

Just recently ( May 2017) a young man of only 29 years old passed away due to acute depression. His name was Eskild ; a bright filmmaker from Norway 🇳🇴. The reason I know of him, is simply my interest in filmmaking. We met on YouTube – have a LOOK

Here you will see in the first few seconds of the film, Eskild ( Blonde hair) with his long time friend and film buddy Andyax.

Follow Eskild’s YouTube HERE

When I heard of Eskild passing away, I was shocked! Such a talented filmmaker with hopes of becoming well established in the film industry. To learn his death is a result of acute depression makes it all too real in today’s society.

Depression is a common occurrence but few talk about it because family and friends become uncomfortable with this subject. There’s this idiotic stigma pointing towards weakness, which is so far from the truth. Depression can be many things. It can be genetic, societies burden of stress, bullying or a chemical imbalance. Whatever the case, anyone with depression feels totally alone due to families and friends reaction.

Depression can be triggered from many things. It could be as simple as breaking up with your partner, doing bad in school, becoming pregnant, a death in the family, or result of an dysfunctional family.

What makes depression worse ?

The reaction of family or friends, telling you it’s only a phase…you’ll snap out of it! You’ll get ill advise, like :

  • Take on an activity, get involved.
  • Don’t worry, you’ll pull through it.
  • Stop being a pussy. Get your act together man!
  • Stop being such a baby!
  • Go to work, you’ll feel better.

In reality, they don’t really understand or want to deal with the problem.

Has this happen to you ?

Share with us what others have said to you.

The point is, the person with depression struggles alone, constantly fighting their inner demons. If you haven’t had real depression, you can’t understand what that person is going through. If that person feels completely lost and alone without any means of recovery, they will simply vanish, ending their life by whatever means they choose. Famous actors and singers have ended their lives, when you think they were on top-of-the-world.

See my post on Robin Williams HERE

How can they possibly be depressed?

Like I said, the only way you’ll understand is by having a deep depression yourself. And I don’t mean a one time depression, because of your finances or a fight with your spouse. I mean a long time depression.

As with Eskild, in day-to-day life, he looked happy and excited about his film making career. But underneath, it’s obvious he was struggling.

What made him decide there was no turning back ?

It could have been as simple as a rejection from a promising girlfriend, who never returned her love for him. It’s extremely hard to speculate what was going on, only it was all too real for him. He most probably felt there wasn’t any escape from his reality. Backed into the corner type-of-feeling.

Suicide is a split second decision.

Even health professionals have a hard time understanding everyone’s unique motive. Sure, they may understand the clinical reasoning but not truly understand the person. Or do they want to. In order to understand depression you must have experienced it yourself.

Have you ever felt there’s no escape?

On the outside you would have never known Eskild was having trouble. Truly he was a cheerful outgoing individual, eager to teach you how to make videos without a budget. Unfortunately there are warning signs, but like said, most reject it. Was it loneliness?


Eskild indeed was a remarkable person. And the thing is I never met him in person. Only known him through social media connections. So you see, that, as they say, is that…

All I really know about Eskild is, he sure knew the filming process, from filming, editing to the right type of equipment you should be using.

As film makers, screenwriters, artist, actors and crew, we all hope our project will one day be in the theatres throughout the world, sharing our amazing story with others. It’s hard to speculate what caused Eskild to feel so sad. If only he knew the world was watching his videos because of his remarkable skill in the film industry.

We all have dreams.

Unfortunately, only the ‘few fortunate’ make it to the top selection of life. Most of us struggle waiting for that lucky break where we’re given an Oscar for our incredible achievements. The world of ‘Fine Arts’ is indeed the most challenging due to the fierce competition.

I had a dream too.

If only I could afford to fly Eskild and Anders up here to British Columbia, Canada 🇨🇦 to begin production on my Scifi horror genre screenplay,’Black Angels’.

BUT – like everyone else I don’t have 20 million dollars to execute my dream into reality. All I can do is promote and wait for that lucky break. While I wait for that lucky break ( like the rest of the world) I like to dream. My dreams are placed into words. Those words envision a story.

“ I envision a story and bring it to life.” BMD

I only hope I can encourage others to follow your path, no matter the obstacles.

Don’t let your dreams die!

Did you know Robert Redford used his stardom to help other struggling independent filmmakers? This is why he started Sundance Film Festival in Park City, Utah. Did you know investors, directors and production companies head to Sundance Film Festival seeking new talent ? All you have to do is make a ‘short film’ from 10 – 15 minutes long. The point is, Robert Redford wanted to open the doors to unknown filmmakers.

My heart goes out to Eskild. I only wish I could of assured him, even though there are a lot of road blocks in life, your dreams will never be crushed. Eskild talent as a filmmaker, was without question valuable to the world.

It’s with a heavy heart to say Eskild will deeply be missed. My condolences to his family. I only wished I met him in person and could have helped.

This stigma of depression must stop ! If you’re a friend? Be a real friend and encourage that friend. Give him or her hope for a brighter future. It’s a struggle out there; just don’t let that friend of yours struggle by themselves. Never give them an ultimatum.


By Bari Demers Screenwriter and writer from your Dreams

Please follow me on Twitter and please RT – Lets get the message out.

A Father is What a Father Should Be 

A Father is What a Father Should Be
This weekend is Father’s Day, so I would like to say a Father means more then just being a Father figure of the family. 

It also means : 

1. Each Father has a responsibility to looking after the well-being of his family, loving his children and hopefully teaching them to become responsible adults, where they too, show carrying love towards their children.  

2. The Father shares the responsibility with his loving wife or partner, working hard throughout their lives, ensuring their children receive unconditional love ❤️, warm shelter, food, the right education, clothing and protection from harms way.

3. A Father’s responsibility doesn’t end when his children grow up but continues giving advice towards the well being of his children, helping them out as much as he possibly can. The only difference, it’s up to the kids to make their own judgment, striving towards a responsible adult. At first your kids don’t understand your advice, but later on (with life experiences) come to you and say,” Now I understand what you were trying to say Dad.”  

4. A Father is a Dad. A Dad is one that will teach you new beginnings, such as riding your first bike or tying your shoes. He will also take you on a journey, exploring what the earth has to offer, from hiking to the top of a mountain to camping ⛺️ within our amazing provincial parks.  

5. A Dad will show you how important education really is, by introducing you to the science pavilions across Canada 🇨🇦 , or where he may reside. He may help you discover a new science experiment or take you gold panning, learning the science of geology. 

6. A DAD is a loving DAD who cares for his children and wife or partner. 

7. A LOVING DAD hopes his children take the right path in the future, to look after themselves and their new family. 

8. A LOVING DAD sometimes will bite his tongue, knowing you may have made some wrong choices, but realizes you will figure out in the end, either by your own experiences or life’s roadblocks.

In the end, a LOVING DAD will always love ❤️ his family. 

Life is a journey and you’re sure to make mistakes along the way.  

BUT – 

What’s really important in life, is your FAMILY. A LOVING FATHER/DAD will teach you, FAMILY is everything. If you can’t trust your family, you’ve lost everything in life. FAMILY means trust, love and even forgiveness.  

AND – 

If your MOM and DAD taught you right, you know when’s it’s time to step-up-to-the-plate and help your mom and dad. It’s the cycle of life.  

SO – 

I hope I’ve been a good DAD teaching my kids right from wrong, leading them towards kind loving adults, expecting nothing in return. I also hope that they respect me who I am and understand I only want the best in their welfare, loving them forever. 
As I head towards retirement, my wife and I will now take this time to enjoy the fruits of our labour, seeing our grandchildren grow into responsible adults to continue on the cycle of life. I hope for the best in my children and their partners, as they continue on into a brighter future. My love to my family.

Love DAD 

By Bari Demers – screenwriter and storyteller plus Scifi Art Gallery from Canada 🇨🇦 

552 words ( writers count)

Our Jenni

Photo Credit : Bari Demers 

Remembrance Day is just six days away. It’s a time to remember the brave souls who died for our freedom. Freedom has a price, only because mankind is selfish and blood thirsty for power.  
Remembering and never to forget, is very much like parents who have lost a child. Your memories over the years tend to become a ghostly presence of the past. But, as any grieving parent knows, we hold on dearly to our children’s memories, afraid they will fade away forever. 

Parents who have lost a child, are in club they never wanted to be apart of in the first place. 

Your life spirals out of control and you begin to hang on to hope. A hope that God and heaven are real, so one day you may be reunited with your loved ones. It’s like grasping onto a lottery ticket, hoping your numbers will finally be picked. But you know, the chances of seeing your child again are astronomically improbable.

So, what do parents do ? 

We remember. We remember the precious time we had with our loved ones. And so today, I would like to share that time with you. 

Jenni was just a baby before she died, but in that short time, she gave us a bundle of love I will never forget. As any proud father I would show her our world the best I could. Living in Calgary, Alberta at the time, working for an engineering design company (UMA) we were fortune enough to be close to the mountains. I would bundle up Jenni, like a mother kangaroo would do for her young joeys, and off we would go, exploring Banff, Lake Louise and parks throughout Calgary, including the Heritage Park Historical Village. 

It’s this memory that stuck with me throughout time. 

The Heritage Park Historical Village was the last good memory of Jenni. It will be a memory I will cherish forever, exploring together, as a family. 

I’ll never forget when Jenni was born in Edmonton, Alberta. Not only the fact, I would be a new father, but it was also the time, the nurses were on strike in Alberta. Heading to our closest hospital, the Misericordia, it wasn’t long we had to make another quick trip to the University Hospital because of the limited staff.

My wife having a baby was truly a big event, but never did I think a comical event would arise as well. To have a clear understanding of the situation, it’s important to understand, the University Hospital caters to students in the medical field. 

The delivery room was packed with interns, eager to learn and somewhat embarrassing for my wife, Patricia.  

There I was, all excited for the delivery of our first child, fully clothed in a interns smock, fashioned with the latest mask and booties. The nurse in charge had me sit at the head, so I wouldn’t get in the way of the doctor and my wife giving birth.  

It’s now 2:00 am.   

The paediatrician came in, giving his speech to the interns, when he noticed me. I am the only one sitting down. He barks,” What the hell do you think you ARE doing? Get up or get out!”

Tired and half a sleep, I jumped up, totally surprised by his misdemeanour.

The head nurse goes over and quietly speaks into the doctor’s ear. He gives an arrogant huffing sound, saying,” Well, everyone should be standing.”  

The room smirks with a soft laughter. Needless to say doctors are cranky this time of the morning. 

Jenni was born on April 23, 1980. A bundle of joy, as the interns clapped for the occasion.  

Getting the chance to hold Jenni, a precious little human being in my hands, was indeed a wonderful moment, one never forgets. 

We had but only a few precious months with Jenni, but it was a time of happiness which will stay with me forever.

On November 5, 1980 was the tragic day, Jenni past away from a rare strange disease, called,” Kawasaki disease”. It’s an illness that involves the lymph nodes for reasons unknown, effects children under the age of five years old. At the time, the diagnosis wasn’t clear to the countless doctors who visited Jenni’s hospital room, at the Foothills medical Centre. Two weeks in the hospital, test after test, no one could make clear of the diagnosis. Apparently, at this time, Kawasaki wasn’t understood, as it is today. Untreated, it can lead to serious complications that can affect the heart.  

And, unfortunately, that is exactly what happened. 

To this day, I believe every child deserves to see the world and live a full life. Each requires to be healthy, never going to bed hungry, have shelter & clothing and receive unconditional love. The saying, “Parents should never see their child die before them”, is so very true. 

Today, we are blessed with two daughters, Tianndra and Trisha, along with very precious grandchildren. Keep your children close to your hearts. Love them and be sure to say it as often as possible, because you never know what may happen in the future.

Patricia and I will always remember and never forget Jenni Michelle Demers.

By Bari Demers – screenwriter and freelance writer

UPDATE 2016 :  

During the fourth episode of the new TV Series Westworld by HBO, there’s a dialogue by Delores ( a robotic humanoid) who just lost her parents.  

She says” Pain. Their Loss… is all I have left of them. You think grieve would make you smaller and sad, like your heart will collapse in on itself, but it doesn’t…” 
Never did they know how close those very words are… so close to my heart . 

(In loving memory of my daughter, Jenni Michelle Demers – Nov 5 1980)

What Will I Miss


Credit: Bari Demers
What I Won’t and Will Miss was first started by Nora Ephron at the end her book, “I Remember Nothing”. Nora was a famous writer, director, blogger and most notably a screenwriter for : Sleepingless in Seattle, Silkwood, When Harry Met Sally and my favourite, Julie & Julia. 

She won countless Academy Awards for her work throughout her career.

Unknown to everyone else, when Nora wrote and directed Julie & Julia, she was secretly battling leukaemia. No one in the cast, crew or even her close friends had any idea, she was dying. 

On June 26th 2012, Nora Ephron passed away, aged 71 years old. 

In Nora’s last book, “I Remember Nothing” her list of “What I Won’t and Will Miss” was her last message to everyone, and I thought it would be fitting to continue on with her legacy, by honouring her list.

So, without further ado, here’s my List : 

What I Won’t Miss 

    • The day my child died ( I’ll never ever forget that day. I wish it never happened)
    • Funerals
    • Cold Winter nights
    • The illusion of Friends (those who pretend to be a friend and are really after something you have)
    • The fear that another one of my children could die before me
    • Doctors
    • The Wolf always knocking at my door (the thought of poverty)
    • Dentists
    • The fear of dying a horrible death
    • Another Grizzly Attack 
    • Pancakes
    • Cauliflower 
    • Couscous
    • socks (hate wearing socks)
    • Watching what I eat
    • Religion 
    • The fear that God (spiritual entity) doesn’t exist (meaning our whole biological existence has no meaning. We are nothing more then animals with a brain and evolution is laughing in our face).
    • War
    • The end of our world


    Photo Credit : Bari Demers
    What I Will Miss

      • Writing
      • Screenwriting
      • Science-fiction
      • Las Vegas
      • The Hawaiian Islands
      • Gourmet meals
      • My BBQ
      • New York Steak, filet mignon, Prime Rib
      • Lobster
      • Tiger Shrimp, Scampis and Scallops
      • Hollandaise sauce
      • Yorkshire Pudding
      • See’s brand Chocolate 
      • Anything Chocolate ( must be good chocolate – no wax fillers)
      • Macadamia & white chocolate chip cookies
      • Macadamia nuts from Hawaii
      • Resorts, like Aria, the Venetian, Palazzo, The Wynn, The Banff Springs and Lake Louise Hotel
      • Banff National Park, Alberta
      • Lake Louise, Alberta
      • Yoho National Park
      • Canada
      • British Columbia
      • The Okanagan Valley
      • Hiking
      • Flying, either it be a jet or helicopter 
      • My kids
      • My grandchildren 
      • Patricia (married for 37 years)
      • Arizona
      • The Northern Lights
      • Our amazing Universe
      • Our amazing Sun
      • Drinking exotic drinks poolside at a resort
      • My screenplay : BLACK ANGELS 


      Photo Credit : Tianndra

      My Regrets or Bucket List 

      • Not being able to see earth from a spaceship
      • Not being able to vacation on Mars
      • Not to experience time travel
      • Not being able to travel through our solar system, like a tourist 
      • Not being able to visit Iceland, Italy, Portugal, Spain or Japan
      • Never to see the Caribbean Islands
      • Not being able to travel First Class in a private jet
      • Not able to afford a Mercedes Benz
      • Not being able to actually see Peace on Earth
      • Humans never getting the chance to fly on their own free will. 
      • Anti-gravity was never invented
      • I never met the President of the United States
      • I never met Anthony Hopkins
      • Never to have a boys night out with Brad Pitt, George Clooney, Denzel Washington, Kevin Costner and Keanu Reeves for a weekend in Vegas, including partying at the top Vegas Nightclub for celebrities. 

      I believe that pretty much sums it up for me.  

      Wouldn’t it be something, if the rest of Hollywood would also follow along with Nora’s List, in honour of her achievements. 

      Your turn.  

      Prepare your list of What I Won’t Miss and What I Will Miss, and then pass along. Ask your followers, friends, family and students to do the same.   Let’s reblog and see if we can carry on what Nora Ephron started. 





      By Bari Demers – screenwriter and freelance writer 

      Anahareo – Woman of Vision


      indian paintbrush flower Photo Credit : Bari Demers
      March 9 2016 was a day to celebrate women’s achievements by recognizing International Women’s Day. Also, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau announced, the Bank of Canada will begin taking in nominations for iconic women to appear on the new bank note. The woman picked will set a precedent for equality and the future of all women in Canada.

      Previously, the monarchy set the stage for Canada’s Head of State, Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, who has been prominently featured on our bank notes throughout her reign, from early as the young 8-year-old Princess Elizabeth to the $20 bill featuring the new Polymer- style note.

      As Prime Minister Justin Trudeau put it,” Because it’s 2015…” in response defending gender balance.

      The Bank of Canada will be taking nominations, women of vision, up to April 15, 2016.  As noted on the Bank of Canada website, “Nominees will be considered if they meet the following criteria:

        • They are a Canadian (by birth or naturalization) who has demonstrated outstanding leadership, achievement or distinction in any field, benefiting the people of Canada, or in the service of Canada.
        • They have been deceased for at least 25 years.
        • Submissions of fictional characters will not be considered.” 


        Gertrude Moltke Bernard, “Anahareo” Photo Credit : Archives of Ontario
        With that said, I quickly nominated Gertrude Moltke Bernard, who’s pet name was Anahareo. What’s unique and interesting about her, is the fact she was married to the the famous Grey Owl, who’s mission in life was to protect wildlife and to be a conservationist spokesman throughout Canada.

        But, it didn’t start that way in the beginning. 

        As a matter of fact, it was Anahareo who convinced Grey Owl to change from trapper to conservationist. Surprisingly, even though Anahareo was a Mohawk Iroquois born in Mattawa, Ontario, Canada, it was a very different story for her husband. Grey Owl (Archibald Belaney) fooled everyone into believing he was indeed a half-blooded Apache, right up to his death in 1938, where it was revealed he was born on September 18, 1888 in Hastings, England. 

        But, this isn’t about Grey Owl. 

        Springs Red Cedar Forest Photo Credit : Bari Demers

        It’s about a remarkable First Nations woman, Anahareo, who her friends and family would nickname her,”Pony”. At the age of 19 she met Grey Owl, who at the time was 37 years old. In the beginning, even though Grey Owl was legally married to Angele Egwuna, he pursued Anahareo. They lived in the Canadian wilderness, as Grey Owl supported both of them, while trapping for pelts. After much persistence, Grey Owl agreed to take Anahareo on his trapline, which changed history. 

        She was appalled by what she saw.

         Anahareo would see the senseless slaughter of fur bearing animals on a daily basis (during the winter months) helping her partner tend to the traps. Horrified by the inhumane trapping practices, she pleaded for Grey Owl to stop making a living this way. 


        Art piece “Bloodwolf ” by Bari Demers
        Anahareo explained to her husband, the First Nations People (her people) believed in a Great Spirit who had power over the animals, the trees, our oceans and the sky above. Killing without respecting or cause, would angry the Great Spirit. If an animal was used for food and clothing, there was a sacred ritual required, allowing to set free the animal’s spirit. The torture of these animals caught in leg traps and left out to freeze to death, was completely against her people’s beliefs. 

        She insisted Grey Owl to stop. 

        But Grey Owl told her, he didn’t have a choice. The fur pelts were like gold, bringing in a good income, giving them food and shelter. It wasn’t until one winter day, Grey Owl hunted down a beaver to its home. Setting up the traps, he caught the beaver, not realizing it was a mother. As he started to canoe away, he heard the unmistakable cries (of what he thought at the time, sounded human) of babies. 

        Turning back, he found two beaver kits crying in distress.

        That very day was the turning point in Grey Owl’s life, converting from trapper to conservationist. Anahareo persistence convinced Grey Owl to adopt them, as they raised them back to health. It was here, where Anahareo persuaded her husband to write books, instead of trapping. As a previous writer for her people, she helped Grey Owl to write his first book,”The Men of the Last Frontier” published in 1931. He wrote many articles for the Canadian Forest and Outdoor magazine, while his fame grew, the National Park Service made a film,’Beaver People’, featuring Grey Owl and Anahareo, in the hopes to attract tourists. Anahareo and Grey Owl became famous throughout North America and England.

        His second book, “Pilgrims of the Wild” was published in 1934. 

        It was this book, forty years later, I had the privilege to read. It was a time where I wanted to go into the wilderness myself, with thoughts of living off the land. My high school friends use to call me,”Buckskin” because of the frequency I wore this handmade deerskin coat, fashioned with wildflowers. 

        It was the 70’s.  

        My goal was to read everything there was about survival and living off the land. It was then I read Grey Owls book,”Pilgrims of the Wild” during my English class in Grade 11. After reading his books it became clear to me, Anahareo was the greatest influence of Grey Owl’s life in the wilderness and aboard publicly. It was the “woman behind the man” syndrome that made Grey Owl the legend he is today. 


        Whitetail Deer Photo Credit : Bari Demers
        Anahareo became a well known animal rights activist and conservationist in her lifetime. She eventually wrote her own book, “Devil in Deerskins: My Life With Grey Owl” explaining her life, unaware Grey Owl, was in fact an Englishman. In 1979, she was admitted into the “Order of Nature”, by the Paris International League of Animal Rights. On top of it all, in 1983, Anahareo was elected a Member of the Order of Canada, while sick in bed. 

        So, with admiration for The First Nations Woman, Anahareo, it’s my hope she will be the first woman of vision, recognized and honoured on the Canadian, Bank of Canada currency note.

        Please vote.

         Anahareo last days resided in Kamloops, B.C, where she died on June 17, 1986 at the age of 80 years old.  Ironically, at the time, I had no idea she lived in the same city I did, so many years ago. 

        By Bari Demersscreenwriter and freelance writer


        Cinematographer EMMANUEL LUBEZKI – Seeing is Believing

        PHOTO CREDIT : By the amazing Adam Pass


        Wish I had a chance to meet Emmanuel Lubezki (Chivo). 

        He’s one of the best Cinematographer in the world. His recent work with the film ‘The Revenant’ shows the master of persistence.  If the blocking or mood isn’t just right, it’s done over and over again, to achieve that prefect balance. 

        You also need a director who believes in his Cinematographer, giving him the freedom to do his magic. And, Alejandro (Alejandro Gonzalez Inarritu ) really does believe in Emmanuel.  Together, both envision the mood they want the viewers to see and experience. That’s what film is all about. What do you experience? How do you feel? What emotions are released ?  

        The Cinematographer could be said,”Seeing is believing”.

        We see a scene and right away feel an emotion. And, if the emotion is intense, it really hits home. What we see and feel makes the movie experience something we will never forget. In fact, the movies that stay with me emotionally, I’ll remember them as long as I live.  It could be specific dialogue, the mood or the incredible action scenes. Whatever hits home, I relish the experience, filing it like the most valuable treasure of them all. 

        It made me feel, and that’s good. It’s Gold.

        As humans, we love to express what we see, feel and experience. Captivating the mood in the film is one of the hardest things to do. And, sometimes, it takes persistence and determination to achieve it.  Sometimes you fail, and that’s the key.  

        Failing moves you forward.  

        As said in the interview with Emmanuel,” In [The Revenant], we had many moments where we completely failed. There’s a scene at the beginning of the movie where the Native American warriors attack. You see arrows flying in the air and [the fur trappers] are lost and don’t have any idea where the attack is coming from. We probably shot that scene four times because we failed a couple of those times. The blocking was wrong. The camera was in the wrong position. More than anything, the tempo of the scene was wrong. We were hitting it very fast and weren’t able to capture the emotion Alejandro wanted. It took a couple of tries to build it to where it is right now in the movie, which is haunting and scary and mysterious. That’s something I love about Alejandro” 

        So. In conclusion, to be able to meet Emmanuel Lubezki( wish I knew him enough to have the privilege to call him Chivo) and learn his camera techniques to get that particular mood.   It would be one of the most precious gift, anyone making film, could ever receive. 

        Until then, as a screenwriter and very little experience in filming, I will begin to produce small trailers with little to zero dialogue, in order for the audience to see, feel and believe in my story, BLACK ANGELS, a science-fiction thriller.  Writing is where I feel most at home.  It allows me the opportunity to express what I feel and takes you along a journey, exploring the reality and dreams, where my imagination will envision the future of endless possibilities. 

        This is how I see it,” I envision a story and bring it to life.”

        I also can envision cinematographer Emmanuel and Director Alejandro working on my screenplay, BLACK ANGELS.  

        How glorious would that be !  

        READ more about how Emmanuel’s failing might explain his three oscars.

        Please like and follow me here or Facebook , Twitter and Vimeo – I truly appreciate it. 

        By Bari Demers screenwriter and freelance writer 

        The Wolf at your Door -Fate of Homeless


        Photo Credit : Adam Pass / Quote by Bari Demers
        The fate of homeless in North America is becoming a social failure reaching staggering proportions. Humanity as a whole has become this cold hearted calculated machine reserving it’s interest only in the fit and richest warlords. Unknown to the ignorant, spoiled and proud, the wolf is patiently awaiting at their door. Lurking in the background of society, homeless could become you at anytime, at any place, unsuspecting victims of our lagging economy.

        In fact, it’s ready to pounce mercilessly! 

        The greedy capitalist of today figure if they work hard to acquire their goal, homeless is out of the question. In fact, they proudly boast homeless are an annoying eyesore and shouldn’t be in their presence. One tech entrepreneur from San Francisco has even gone as far as to state,” The wealthy working people have earned their right to live in the city. They went out, got an education, work hard, and earned it. I shouldn’t have to worry about being accosted. I shouldn’t have to see the pain, struggle, and despair of homeless people to and from my way to work every day.”  
        In the mix of society comes the upbringing of a new breed of individuals, known as ‘Affluenza‘ ; a singularity of the ‘me me me’ syndrome lavished with riches by their influential parents. But little do they know what the future may bring. Today, they are the successful entrepreneurs feeding their bank accounts with endless amount of cash. Homeless is out of the question, right?


        With jobs evaporating at an alarming rate, businesses crashing, claiming bankruptcy on a daily basis, the wolf patiently waits to pounce on its unsuspected prey. One day you’re on top of the world, the next day you find yourself deep in debt, struggling to make ends meat.  

        You question yourself, what could possibly have gone wrong? 

        As a whole, society stereotypes homeless into specific categories, feeding their heads with sound information, so they may sleep at night. The typical voice of opinions are : 

        • Homeless caused their own fate, it’s their fault! 
        • The homeless are druggies and alcoholics. They should be placed in rehab! 
        • Homeless are the mental ill. Aren’t there institutions we can hide them in? 
        • Your homeless because you over-spent. Don’t you have any financial sense?

        It true. 

        Typically, homeless are these things, but unknown to the ignorance of society, homeless can be caused by just plain, unfortunate luck! It could be as easy as the greedy corporate banks, scamming unsuspected customers into believing they can afford high mortgages. Or the stock market crashing, causing havoc onto small businesses, forcing them to close.  

        One day your life is a success, the next day, you’re bankrupt and homeless! 

        Who would of thought, a women of 82 years old, who worked hard all her life, would end up in a homeless shelter? How could this possibly be? She must not have looked after her nest egg very well, did she? Maybe her only recourse was living from paycheque to paycheque. Is that her fault? Is it her fault the cost of living has quadrupled in her lifetime? Is it her fault she didn’t prepare for her retirement? Is it her fault, she didn’t look after her health? Is it her fault she has cancer? 

        Absolutely not!

        No. Homeless has no pride, limits or labels. In less then ten years, our society will be bombarded by senior citizens. An alarming surge of homeless in the waiting. Only 15 percent will be able to hold their own, while the rest are at the mercy of humanity. Will we become these cold hearted capitalist, demanding our governments to deal with these riff raff beggars ? I mean, after all, I pay taxes. Why should I be subject to this eyesore ? Should we hide them away in institutions, throwing the key away? Maybe we should just eliminate their pain all together, justifying lethal euthanasia.

        Is this the answer? 

        Political correctness will justify government actions on the homeless, while stuffing their greedy pockets with riches on the backs of the poor. 

        Can’t they just eat cake? 

        As the successful tech writes to the city of San Francisco suggesting a possible revolution of the well-off, the poor are dangerously increasing in numbers. The new refugees entering Canada and United States receive immediate citizenship and are already complaining about being abandoned in their new country, demanding more money and social assistance, while our seniors end up in homeless shelters, cancer struck with no means of supporting themselves. 

        But wait!  Can’t they work at Walmart? 

        When you reach 70 – 80 years old, let’s see how well you work with a crippling body. It’s time to think outside of the box and stop stereotyping the homeless. Maybe, just maybe one day, you too will find yourself homeless, confused and distraught, wondering how in the hell did I get here. 

        Just remember, the wolf is patiently waiting at your door, ready to pounce on you! Isn’t it time to work together and solve the problem before it’s too late, for us all? 
        “Ah,Damn you! God Damn you all to hell!”*

        By Bari Demers – freelance writer and screenwriter 

        *Quote by Planet of the Apes, 1968, “I’m back. I’m home. All the time, it was… We finally really did it. [falls to his knees screaming] YOU MANIACS! YOU BLEW IT UP! AH, DAMN YOU! GOD DAMN YOU ALL TO HELL!”

        ADDITIONALLY STATEMENT: In accordance, by popular demand, it’s common to hear on social media say,” If you’re so damn concerned with the homeless, why don’t you do something about it? When’s the last time you helped out the homeless?” 

        It’s true.   I’ve never had enough money or resources to help the poor myself, simply because I’m holding my own for my immediate family, who are struggling in our missable economy. Families throughout the world are struggling, trying their best to look after their own children. Their full time and resources are committed to strictly to them. Bari Demers

        Don Rickles and Vegas

        Good Day Everyone! 

        Photo Credit : Vintage Las Vegas
        Today’s Throwback Thursday with the Sahara, Las Vegas, September 1967, via Vintage Las Vegas.

        Notice Don Rickles on the billboard !  Did you know Don Rickles debuted in the Sahara Lounge ?

        For those who aren’t familiar with Don Rickles, he’s a long time stand-up comedian and actor in movies, such as the hilarious Kelly’s Heroes, co-staring Clint Eastwood, Telly Savalas, Donald Sutherland and Carol O’Connor.  

        Kelly’s Heroes – It’s one movie you must see! Place it on your bucketlist. 

        Don has beaten us all when it comes to being a Vegas Lover. He loves Vegas

        He’s been going to Vegas for 56 consecutive years. And at 89 years old, there’s no reason for him to retire because his love for stand-up comedy.  He was first noticed by Frank Sinatra while in Miami, way back in 1957. Actually it was Don Rickles who pointed out Frank during his routine comedy show at the nightclub, saying,” Make yourself at home, Frank. Hit somebody.”  

        If there’s one thing about Don Rickles comedy, he takes no prisoners when pointing out his audiences. Doesn’t matter where you are in the crowd, he’s sure to place you under fire during his comedy routine, if he feels fit. Doesn’t matter race, colour, or if your a Martian, he’ll point you out, totally embarrassing you.  

        But, what’s fun, his viewers can’t wait to be picked!  


        Bellagio, Las Vegas Photo Credit : Bari Demers
        From Canadians, Japanese, Germans to Martians, if you’re on his radar, watch out! LOL. Of course, all in fun making everyone laugh and laugh some more.  Even Frank Sinatra couldn’t get away from poking fun at him. But, this is the thing about it, Frank loved his performances and encouraged everyone to go see Don Rickles.  

        Since then Don has been in the mix of great performers, such as Dean Martin, Bob Hope, Bob Newhart, Sammy Davis Jr. , George Burns, Jack Benny and the list goes on. Don was even the Roastmaster of the famous Dean Martin Celebrity Roast, which became very popular.  

        In 1974, the Dean Martin Celebrity Roast was stationed, where else? But at the MGM Grand Hotel’s Ziegfeld Room in Las Vegas.  What better place for Roastmaster Don Rickles to be.

        Home away from home – Las Vegas!   

        He still make appearances at the Orleans Hotel, Las Vegas.  And for his 90th birthday, you can celebrate with him on March 23, 2016, at the Ruth Eckerd Hall,Clearwater, FL.hosted by Regis Philbin. Without a doubt, Don Rickles is a fun loving comedian and a great actor, who’s been going to Vegas since 1959. Now that’s truly vintage Las Vegas, wouldn’t you say?  Soon to be 90 years old and still going strong! 

        Have you had a chance to go see Don Rickles, while in Vegas? If not, I would make a point to go see him.  Check out more about Don Rickles!

        As always – See YOU in Vegas !  Please join me on FacebookLoving Vegas. 

        By Bari Demers – freelance writer and screenwriter