The Truth About Climate Change

Let’s get to the true facts about climate change and how a liberal political agenda is using it as a base to brainwash our children through the teachers union, and mislead Canadians behind their real motives.

First and foremost, no matter who’s in political power, it’s important to show the people (who you represent) there’s growth in our economy. Growth means jobs, exporting to importing services and/or products ,and joining a strong respectable relationship with foreign leaders. In Canada 🇨🇦 it’s vital each province agrees with the federal government, in order to get anything done. Think of it as a mathematical equation. If one of these equations don’t add up, it just won’t work. You then know there’s a hidden agenda, programmed to raise the economy by false pretences.

Before I go into the false pretences, let’s go over “The Truth About Climate Change”. As a writer, it’s important to seek out the facts with a nonpartisanism view. My goal is to research the science before anything else, tapping into the hard work of respected research scientists across our planet. In my research, I have found a geophysicist showcasing the facts about climate change, without any political agenda attached.

Here are the facts :

“ As a geophysicist let me clear some things up for many here.

Climate change is real. Yes, those who say the climate has been warmer in the past are totally correct. During the Carboniferous hothouse period and the Palaeocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum the temperature’s were far far hotter than they are today (and many other times in Earth’s history also).

So the notion that this is the warmest the Earth has been is totally incorrect.

However, the rate at which we are warming is alarmingly – so quick that this rate of change is extremely rare within the geologic record of the last two hundred years. Evolutionary adaptions occur over sub-geologic time ; hence change at such rate will undoubtedly cause extinctions.

[ aka : Earth causes human extinction and then reboots for three million years, developing a new evolutionary species.]

However, are we on the brink of disaster?

Is it scientifically accurate to say that there is no return if we don’t “fix” the climate now?

Absolutely NOT !

In fact we can easily reverse this provided we combine a number of geoengineering techniques.

It is a matter of fact that we will and have to continue to burn and utilize fossil fuels. Plastics, rubbers, chemical catalysts, feedstocks, etc and, not to mention infrastructures, cars, planes, all rely on fossil fuels.

Society would simply collapse without them ! That’s a fact!

Not only that but they provide the only affordable and large-scale energy source. The key is NOT to concentrate on reducing the necessity that is fossil fuels but instead to engineer our way around the issue.

Carbon Capture Storage is an excellent mechanism.

In fact it’s only disadvantage (according to the media) is it may leak back to the surface. This is virtually impossible by the laws of geology and physics!

When CO2 is injected into the subsurface it is done so as a supercritical fluid.

CO2 possesses a lower affinity for the solid silica surfaces of the microscopic interstices between rock grains.

This means that CO2 is non-wetting to that silica surface. It occupies the largest regions of the pore space.

This means when we inject water after CO2 the water can flow along the surface and the narrow regions of the pore space and trap the CO2 behind.

The analogy for this is as follows: Imagine flooding a room with only two exits with CO2. If the two exit doors are flooded outside by water then the CO2 physically becomes immobile. This means the CO2 is trapped and locked away for geologic time. By doing so we can extract more than enough CO2 from the atmosphere and reverse increase in temperatures and the coinciding side-effects.

Not only this but so many other excellent geoengineering ideas have been shown to work. Look at space mirrors, artificial trees and white surface conversions. There are some excellent papers on google scholar, just search for geoengineering.

The future is to continue extracting fossil fuels and an ever increasing rate so that everyone across the world can enjoy the quality of life that we do, but to simultaneously capture the emissions that result.

The truth is we need the news to start interviewing world experts on climate science, geophysics, geochemistry, petroleum science etc from the world’s top institutions in these fields: Stanford, Oxford, Imperial, MIT.

Not school kids who have been taught scientific inaccuracies!

So to summarize:

1. Is the climate changing? Yes. You are an idiot if you dispute this – the geochemistry clearly supports this.

2. Are we in risk of disaster? Are we all going to die? Do we need to stop burning fossil fuels like we do today? Absolutely not!

3. We need to employ geoengineering techniques in combination to reverse the modifications in climatic chemistry that we have seen over the last 250 years. This will require governments to employ the relevant policy, although many oil companies have started to utilize these techniques (look at the success of Equinor).

4. We need to begin to explore space, as we will soon be well beyond Earth’s carrying capacity which inherently makes climate change inevitable – our future home is among the stars.

Today’s Lesson : Don’t listen to the news, it’s designed to fit a certain agenda. Instead research the science; google scholar is a god send. Make sure you’re reading articles from established institutions with well respected research scientists.” – Bertie James (geophysicist)

It’s vital as human beings to use our brains instead of being distracted by our feelings, in order to understand the underlying truth. Never rely on any politician, as 99% are as bad as used-car-salesmen. They will hide the facts while boosting how their collective party will improve Canadians well-being. [ This is true for any world government] If it sounds too good to be true, it’s NOT the real truth. Unfortunately, this is what the liberal government of Canada is doing right now.

The question is : How do you hide the truth while making yourself sound like a new wave for the future ?

You take a collective problem (aka Climate Change) and begin using this agenda by directing educators and liberal scientists to promote propaganda. Each one has its own agenda ; be it funding or filling their pockets full of money, due to greed. Their goal is persuade you there’s a crisis at hand and if we don’t react, we’ll all die. They lead with some truth while hiding underlining facts.

For example they hide this fact : “During the Carboniferous hothouse period and the Palaeocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum the temperature’s were far far hotter than they are today.” In fact, if you go back millions of years, Earth has had this same cycle since it’s creation.

AND – I hate this idiot response,” How do you know ? Were you there?!”

Put trust in our scientists through countless years of research and study. Like one of Judge Judy’s quotes,” This is my courtroom and I can say what I want. When you become a judge, then we’ll talk.“ So, when you become a distinguished scientist, then we’ll talk.

Is it true mankind has contributed to climate change? Of course they have. But let’s stop blaming everyone without realizing where the problem is coming from. I’m sure you’ve heard media say,” Canada is the problem, as it’s arctic is getting warmer. CBC is a good example of that. They are a liberal collective media machine owned by government funding. So it’s in their best interest to sway Canadians into the overall collective: The Liberal Party.

Here’s an example of CBC media, who received their data from a partisan Dianne Saxe, the former environment commissioner for Ontario who now runs the green consultancy :

“Canada’s refrigerator, the Arctic, is warming fast. The Earth’s climate warms faster near the poles. Why is still being studied, but the reasons include feedback cycles that are internal to the climate system, such as the positive feedbacks that occur when snow and ice melt to reveal darker, warmer surfaces below, and when more energy in the air and water currents are transported to the high latitudes. Also, land warms faster than oceans, and Canada has a huge land area that is away from the oceans.

We often read that Canada has some of the highest per capita carbon emissions in the world. Why is that? “

A collective question to promote their agenda. So what’s their agenda? Shame and program Canadians into thinking we’re the cause for everything wrong by promoting radical extremism, like those who do not believe in eating meat. Those who believe they can say and do anything without any consequences. They’re the thorn in your side. Radical extremists have a chip-on-their-shoulder ready to exploit their views onto everyone, no matter if they like it or not !

It’s like a religious cult trying their best to force you into their beliefs. In one word – Control.

A good example of this is communism. Their goal is to control the mass population by what ever means necessary. They want to program you like a flock of sheep. Our children are easily persuaded through propaganda at school. What better way to bring up their future followers and voters ?

Let’s continue what CBC spokeswoman says in their next paragraph:

“ Reasons include Canada produces very large emissions from its industries, especially oil, gas and petrochemicals. Canadians drive the least efficient vehicles in the world, use a lot of heat during cold winters, fly often and far, eat a lot of beef and use up and throw away immense amounts of stuff of all kinds. Some provinces still burn a lot of coal.”

Here, CBC is shaming Canadians into believing we’re “users” of our resources, which is not completely true. Our vehicles for one, are efficient enough due to our population and CO2 emissions.

China, United States, Russia, European Union, Japan, Germany, North and South Korea, and Brazil (including International Shipping across the globe) all have higher emissions then Canada 🇨🇦. As well, it’s clear humans and animals breathe, emits more CO2 then our processing cattle for food. We inhale air, resulting in 385 parts per million carbon dioxide. As you exhale, you release ten times as much. However, plants soak up our carbon, making it accountable to our living status. This is why it’s so important to look after our plants. It was once joked our plants are harvesting us to keep earth green.

Maybe this is closer to the truth then we know. Trust me, if the earth thought we were a deterrent to the eco-system, human beings and animals would have been eliminated long time ago.

Regardless of that fact, our growing population is the real problem.

Humans are like this disease growing out-of-control.

This is why it’s important “we need to begin to explore space as we will soon be well beyond Earth’s carrying capacity which inherently makes climate change inevitable – our future home is among the stars. “ Bertie James (geophysicist)

Now CBC spokeswoman also blames us for “produces very large emissions from its industries, especially oil, gas and petrochemicals.”

Have you seen the production in Texas lately?

Texas is the leading U.S. producer of both crude oil and natural gas. Then there’s Russia. A whole city is completely polluted by CO2 emissions, petrochemicals waste along with Germany’s massive strip-mining.

It makes Alberta Oil Sands look like a toddler, in comparison. [ Read more by CBC – read behind the lines]

It’s a political ploy to throw the blame onto someone else, in order to gain an economic advantage in their country. United States is laughing all the way to the bank. You think those celebrities weren’t paid to come up to Alberta Oil Sands ? Of course they were ! Don’t forget they fly up in their private high-octane fuelled jets and then use a helicopter to view the area. Each protester, including our very own David Suzuki, leave a significant carbon trail, while collecting a grand sum of cash.

If only we could keep the politics out of science and begin to rely on “The Truth about Climate Change.”

The bottom line is to control our population, adapt to viable resources like using our Sun’s solar energy and power, without being taxed by greedy corporations, who are thirsty for POWER. Plus, we must be vigilant towards the underlying reason our political government has implemented Carbon Tax.

But also remember:

“It is a matter of fact that we will and have to continue to burn and utilize fossil fuels. Plastics, rubbers, chemical catalysts, feedstocks, etc and, not to mention infrastructures, cars, planes, all rely on fossil fuels.

Society would simply collapse without them ! That’s a fact! “

The reason the liberal government is using “Climate Change” as their political machine is to generate money to make it seem like the economy is growing. We already know, by the Bank of Canada, this is certainly NOT the case! In fact, they’re extremely nervous in our overall growth. Legalize marijuana was hoped to produce a surplus of funds too. The liberal government forgot about the long slow process of any government, as its wheels take a long time to get rolling. They also did the unforgivable no no ; they’re priced higher then your local drug dealer – OH OH!

When Justin Trudeau first came into power, I was optimistic in the new leadership. He’s young and the millenniums love him. Oh dear GOD you can do no harm. We believe in you. Praise the Lord.

Oh brother! We aren’t a flock of sheep!

In the beginning I too drank the purple Kool-aid. However, while under deeper scrutiny, I quickly became fearful of his cult following, from changing our Constitutional Rights to taxing us to death 💀. Let’s not forget about rubbing shoulders with SNC-Lavalin, trying to pressure Jody Wilson-Raybould from proceeding a criminal prosecution. Removing any opposition is a clear sign of “controlling the public”.

Let’s be real here.

Political parties are looking after their own hidden agenda. It’s up to us “The People of Canada” to make damn sure their honest and looking towards the interest of ALL Canadians. We can’t be swayed by emotion or follow our leader, like a flock of sheep.

I do hope you haven’t taken part in drinking the purple Kool-aid. Please, please, please…compare real facts with truth and not an underlying political agenda.

Keep every politician accountable for their actions, otherwise “The People of Canada” will no longer have control in our own destiny or our children’s welfare.

As Judge Judy said,”Don’t look up at the heavens. God is not going to help you with this case. Only the truth will set you free.”

Bari Demers – screenwriter