SETI Art Challenges

Art and writing is my passion, so when SETI Institute ( Search for extraterrestrial intelligence) invited me to present my science-fiction art pieces to their Facebook group called,” The Art Imaginarium hosted by SETI” I jumped at the prospect. Not only is it about the Art Projects, it’s also requires you to explain your art piece by researching the science too.

Here are my sample Projects I have done so far.

The Venus Project

Venus Project for November: “Venus and Curved Space-Time”

Here’s my artist concept of Venus within our solar system showcasing (normally invisible) gravity lines that shape our space-time.

My goodness, I found it more difficult to explain my art piece, as I’m an artist and not a scientist. However, here’s my layman explanation of Venus within the space-time, you see as linear gravitational lines.

I had to research it.

Apparently Einstein viewed gravity as a geometric of nature. It contradicts Newton’s theory that gravity is a force. Einstein mathematically worked out gravity is a result of the shape of space-time.

To understand this better, look at space-time as a huge rubber sheet that’s easy deformed by planets, suns and other forms of unknown universal forces. It’s said this rubber sheet is perfectly straight unless a massive force, such as planet Venus curves space-time, as if a bowling ball were placed on the rubber sheet causing a circular deep depression. It’s like a pinball machine where the ball lands into the hole of its choice.

I’m a visual person, but Einstein uses mathematical equations to understand this theory.

As said by Britannica,” In Einstein’s theory, space-time geodesics define the deflection of light and the orbits of planets. As the American theoretical physicist John Wheeler put it, matter tells space-time how to curve, and space-time tells matter how to move. Einstein himself developed a complete quantitative theory that describes space-time through highly abstract mathematics. General relativity is expressed in a set of interlinked differential equations that define how the shape of space-time depends on the amount of matter (or, equivalently, energy) in the region.“

Read more :

They explain everything.

Unfortunately, to me I don’t fully understand Einstein’s theory. Wish I could grasp it more, but alas, I can only see things visually. This is why I enjoy Art so much. However, I enjoy writing science-fiction too :

I hope you like Venus ( the orange coloured planet) showcased within the background Sun nearby and various planets of our solar system. The lines you see are related to Einstein’s theory of space-time.

I call it : “Venus and Curved Space-Time”

If I have time I’ll draw an “on surface” view of Venus. Please see more of my art on Instagram.

Thank you viewing my concept art of Venus within our solar system.

The Icy Moon Europa

Here’s my artistic graphic design for SETI August Challenge : Underwater Life on Icy Moons (described by Dr Cynthia Phillips, a planetary geologist for NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory).

I choose the Icy Moon Europa.

Even though the icy surface is a good 10 – 25 km thick, I imagine the charge particles and radiation hitting the surface of Europa causes enough friction on the surface that light particles beam through parts of the thick ice terrain above into the depths of the alien ocean below.

My imagination sees basic life forms that may be similar to the predawn sea life forms on Earth. My drawing gives colourful electronic life forms feeding off the radiated food source on the underside of the thick icy shelf. It’s resembles our electric charge lightening here on earth ( only by similarity ), however this life form has a frenzy of activity feeding off the alien unicellular electronic charged microalgae.

The higher life forms, as you see, may resemble our past ancient crustacean Trilobites and possibly a prehistoric jellyfish. However, these higher life form crustaceans and the jellyfish ( member of the subphylum Medusozoa ) live in a radiated charged ocean, where our life forms on Earth would have certainly died.

It’s indeed an alien world to us. Maybe one day we’ll be able to send down mechanical ocean drones deep within Europa’s ocean to explore this alien region of our solar system.

I used Procreate, PS Express and Spark Post to create my graphic art piece.

Please join me on :
INSTAGRAM: for space related art forms plus SciFi stories…


And of course, please check out my website.

Interesting, in 2015 I wrote a science-fiction story about Europa 😉 I named it : The Europa Mission – TEMPRO V

Thank you for expressing my art through your challenge Dr Cynthia Phillips 😊 I hope everyone likes.

More to come…Follow me here and see more on this PAGE

Thank you,


What People Say

It is our choices, Harry, that show what we truly are far more than our abilities .

JK Rowling

Don’t cry because it’s over, smile because it happened.

Dr. Seuss

The way to get started is to quit talking and begin doing.

Walt Disney