Mission to the Unknown- Act 2

Mission to the Unknown

ACT TWO – The unknown always leads to speculation, be it today’s society or three thousand years ago. Mankind has strived to explain the unknown, either by religious manuscripts or by science.

[Note : Before reading please read the beginning Chapter “The Black Stream of Energy – Act 1 ]

It wasn’t any different on May 30th, 2031 either, as astrophysicist Dr James Filmmore sent satellite CANUSA 1 into the unknown phenomenon only three light years away from earth. The whole world watched in awe, as CANUSA 1 entered into the fluctuation of space, only known as Dark Energy ( a cloaked wave of energy). With all the UFO sightings in the past 4000 years, its been loosely speculated, it could be the hide out for our alien visitors. However, the religious community strongly denied such a thing. The scientists were baffled, but were determined to explain this strange phenomenon with the help of science. As always, the various media used their spin on it, promoting more viewers to their platform. Media wasn’t about reporting the truth anymore, they were concerned in attracting an audience. In turn, advertisers would fund their objective goal of making money ; as long as the companies would see a return on their investment.

So you see. There it is. Our society ran on half-truths and the constant greed of the all-mighty dollar, believing what suited them the best.

Dr Filmmore’s goal concentrated on the hard science and only the science, to explain the unknown. However, after six months of loosing CANUSA 1, without receiving a shred of evidence, he had his doubts. How can a high tech state-of-the-art satellite send nothing back ? It was indeed baffling, to say the least. He knew he had to send humans, to get to the bottom of this ; James understood it had to be him, along with a committed team, because he couldn’t live with the thought of loosing anyone else. After loosing his daughter Jenni, it would be inconceivable to loose anyone on this mission. They had to be strong and have determined willpower, to make this mission successful. It was clear, Dr Filmmore and a small crew had to make a sacrifice for the betterment of mankind.

Three years past before James could find anyone crazy enough to fund his bizarre mission. He was all about to loose hope, when the most unusual source decided to take on his request. Entrepreneur trillionaire Mr Wiseman was well known for his 30 billion Vegas Resort “ The Wiseman Casino & Resort “ featuring science-fiction themed rooms on each floor, dedicated to Star Wars, Star Trek and the newest trilogy known as “Black Angels”. Apparently Black Angels related to a storyline about our ancient alien ancestors who discovered earth and were responsible for genetically transforming Ape-man into Homo-Sapiens. Black Angel fans were adamant the backstory was the gospel truth ! Mr Wiseman was extremely candid about Black Angels background, saying it explains why mankind are who they are today.

James Filmmore is a scientist and the mere speculation of another species on earth, wasn’t scientifically proven, as of yet. However, James wouldn’t turn down a trillionaire, no matter how eccentric he was. Any means of funding was essential to answering his “Black Energy Theses”.

It wasn’t for another two years before the legal requirements were ironed out, and it still wasn’t clear what Mr Wiseman motive was behind the funding. No matter. James and space engineers spent the next five years developing ‘Pegasus’, the most efficient streamlined spacecraft to ever be made in the 21st century.

Finally! On May 1st 2039, Pegasus was ready to launch on the aging Moon base ‘Lunar Surface Asset Deployment’ first built in 2029. Since then, NASA’s moon base now houses 3000 souls with diversified careers, from engineers, scientists, architects, to a brigade of chefs. It was an obvious conclusion, it would be a lot cheaper to send a spacecraft from the moon then to worry about the fuel costs and the constant gravity strains on earth.


Pegasus’ featured :

Nano-Mag – the newly development of magnesium based alloy with nanotechnology, changing the very fabric of this new flexible metal. In 2019, Magnesium based alloy was considered the World’s strongest and lightest metal until the nano feature made it stronger and lighter. In fact, it was so light, the membrane could easily be stretched by hand. So thin, the membrane was calculated in micro-milligrams ; thinner than human membrane cells.

No Windows – although it didn’t have the conventional gold-plated windows, it’s AI computer would allow any pilot to see the exterior with its new imaging system. First developed in 2020, VR ( virtually reality) by game developers, such as XBox and PS4, investors took the next step to using it for passenger airplanes. In 2025, commercial aircrafts saved money by introducing this new technology.

Computer-voice operated – the pilot can easily instruct the spacecraft by merely giving it a verbal command.

Ion Thrusters – “ionizes a neutral gas by extracting some electrons out of atoms, creating a cloud of positive ions. These thrusters rely mainly on electrostatics as ions are accelerated by the Coulomb force along an electric field. * “ Top-of-the-Line engine.

Interior Gravity Force – After NASA studies of humans-in-space, it was clear bone density and long term solar radiation greater effected the astronaut crew, that head to Mars in 2030. Therefore, it was essential to have artificial gravity within the interior of the spacecraft.

Lumbar Sponge Seats – a new form of nano-sponge, automatically shapes to any human form, causing less discomfort on our backs and tailbones. First designed by NASA and used by Tesla in 2030, it made long distance trips strapped to a seat more enjoyable. However, crew members had their own private quarters to catch-up on their sleep, so it was indeed something Dr. Filmmore insisted on because of his poor back.

Emergency Sub-Craft “Gemini” – in case of emergency, a backup mini craft with a beacon was necessary. Its automatic trajectory was earth.

Of course, the Pegasus had all the necessary supplies, firearms, tools, and scientific equipment for any long deep space voyage. As well, the ship was capable of travelling at an nominal speed of 140,012 km per hr ( 87,000 miles/hr) expected to reach its destination in 2.6 years. Pretty much like satellite CANUSA 1 did previously. This time (with humans aboard) it was crucial they didn’t disappear without a trace, like its predecessor.


The crew of four were trained in long distance space voyages. Of course, Dr. Filmmore was the lead astrophysicist in charge of the whole mission. After 5000 specialized candidates, three astronauts were selected.

Doctor Zulu : He’s an esteemed specialized Geneticist and physician in his 40’s, African-American, who seemed more carefree then a man of science. However, when it came to the nitty gritty, his genius kicked in. His nickname is “Dr Gene” for his noble prize in genetics. On his birth certificate, it’s Femi Zulu Mud. Femi apparently means “adored by god”.

Twenty pounds overweight (by NASA’s terms) but he won out due to his skills.

Navy Flight Officer Devyani Stone : Devyani is of East India descent from Canada 🇨🇦, who became a Navy Flight Officer, simply because she loves to fly. She is the best-of-the-best when it comes to flying any craft on earth, only in her 30’s. Her name Devyani means “ Like a Goddess, Serving the gods, Chariot of the gods, One invested with divine power (Daughter of Shukraacharya); Like a Goddess“.* Without a doubt, she was indeed a Goddess with her charm and stunning looks. Due to her Emerald-green eyes, everyone close to her, nicknamed her “Jewel”. Along with jet black hair, her complexion stood out. A strong intellect with a passion in ancient history. In this mission she is the Pilot controlling the craft.

Biologist Alisha Forman : Last but not least , Alisha is dedicated to the scientific study of life and all living forms. Original from Sweden, she graduated from Cambridge with a PHD in molecular biology. In her late 20’s, Alisha has a strong love for animals, caring and fighting for. Due to her beliefs, she refuses to eat meat and an activist. Not liked much for her strong opinions, she’s still considered the best biologist in the world. Unfortunately no one has ever given her a nickname. Dr. Filmmore is only concerned with her expertise.

The crew is ready for the long mission ahead. It will take every ounce of sacrifice to make this a successful mission. The mission to the unknown has just begun!

Bari Demers – storyteller and screenwriter

Please follow me to read Act Three, the continuing story of this incredible discovery. When I get time I’ll write more…


The Black Stream of Energy – Act 1

*Wikipedia – Ion Thrusters Engines

Black Angels

The Cosmos vs The Heavens


East Indian names and their meaning

Screenplay Black Angels – The Journey of Human Existence

Black Angels

Even though I’m on holiday mode in the Okanagan, I enjoy creating something different using various apps, such as photoshop adobespark for lettering and procreate for illustration. This particular piece gives that eerie feeling of horror. As it should be, because that’s a big part of my screenplay BLACK ANGELS. To understand the whole picture of how I wrote BLACK ANGELS, we must go the beginning.


As you experience the feeling of eerie horror within the depths of my art piece above, I begin to ponder the whole journey. Born into a Catholic dominate household, it wasn’t hard to brainwash the fragile image of little me. The Catholic religion monarchy did a good job moulding me into their prefect Alter-Boy. Fear of Hell was indeed pretty captivating during my younger impersonating years. The thought of burning for eternity captured my imagination, waking up from horrified nightmares. However, when I became an Alter-Boy it was clear, something was wrong with the Catholic faith. You see, to me, the church was this holy foundation and thee very presence of GOD. Therefore, in my mind, everything in the church was sacred. So when I began to see abuse by these holy priests, it quickly opened the door to really start seeing the real world.

It wasn’t long before I began researching various religions, trying in earnest to find the right religion. After studying Jehovah Witnesses, Bahia Faith to Mormons and many more, it was clear religion is the centre of control. Throughout mankind’s history evidence of fearful religious control by any means possible was a daunting horrific insight.

My eyes were finally opened.

I began searching, reading everything I could about mankind’s historical religion, going back as far as the scriptures revealed. At first, the Egyptians captivated my interest, only to learn, the scriptures go even further back in time. It was then, the Mesopotamia Period came to light, with the intriguing Sumerian. According to historians, Sumerians [Sumer] were the earliest civilization recorded.

The Sumerians manuscripts broke open the *pandora box (Greek mythology) revealing the structure of all religions. It was clear, Jesus scriptures were all ready written by the Sumerians thousands of years before Christ was born. Not only that, the Sumerians went further, writing detailed manuscripts of how mankind came to be. It’s indeed the “smoking-gun” answering the most asked questions, “ Where did mankind come from?” and “Who made us ?” Their detailed written accounts are without a doubt intriguing.

Referencing to Ancient Origins, [Reference 1] I couldn’t say it any better :

When the gods like men

Bore the work and suffered the toll

The toil of the gods was great,

The work was heavy, the distress was much.”

The gods decided it was best to create their own “workhorse” sort of speak. Therefore [Reference 2 – Ancient Origins] :

“You have slaughtered a god together

With his personality

I have removed your heavy work

I have imposed your toil on man.

In the clay, god and man

Shall be bound,

To a unity brought together;

So that to the end of days

The Flesh and the Soul

Which in a god have ripened –

That soul in a blood-kinship be bound.”

Now. This part is important. For any basic civilization to understand what they saw, they had to place it into their context, using their primitive description, to fully comprehend what they heard or witnessed. This is where cross-genetics and my base accounts came into full view.


How do you capture an audience with the stigma of religious brainwashing, plaguing us since the dawn of time?

You write a science-fiction/horror genre screenplay, entertaining the thought,”Where did we come from?” and “Who made us?” with an intriguing storyline based on real evidence.

My screenplay ‘Black Angels’ is based on written accounts, taken

back over 100,000 years ago, before mankind ever had a foothold of earth, an intelligent race occupied earth ( referred to as our ancient ancestors). In the beginning, by evolutionary standards, we were nothing more than another form of Ape-man referred to as Denisovans.  

I’m sure by now you’ve heard of Lucy? 

Lucy’s species, Australopithecus afarensis, is approximately 3 million years old and categorize as an earlier form of “genus Homo”. The evolutionary Ape-man took on various stages, but each step wasn’t anything miraculous, until a drastic change 100,000 years ago.

Like Professor Steven Hawking points out,”For millions of years, mankind lived just like the animals. Then something happened…”

Our ancient ancestors (The GODS from the Heaven Above) were raping our earth for its resources, (such as gold). These elite group of intellectuals hated the long hours of working like a slave, as said :

When the gods like men

Bore the work and suffered the toll

The toil of the gods was great,

The work was heavy, the distress was much.” [Reference 1 – Ancient Origins]

With primitive Ape-man running around earth 🌎, it became a no-brainer to cross their genetics with the existing Lucy [ aka Ape-man/Denisovans]. After trial and tons of error, “The Gods from the Heavens” ( aka, the THE SIRIANS) successful created a hybrid, known today as “Homo-Sapiens”.

The whole basis of my screenplay ‘Black Angels’, is to open your eyes to the possibility of how mankind really started. Why do you think radical religious groups/terrorists are doing everything in their power to erase the truth?

Who remembers the recent destruction of Sumerian tablets and iconic statues by the evil hands of ISIS’s ( I cringed every time they’re referred to as the Egyptian goddess Isis – it’s just not right !) These evil religious cults are trying to brainwash and erase the very beginnings of mankind’s existence. Thankfully, this sadistic cult is slowly being eliminated.


It’s been a long journey. From the time I was born into the Catholic faith to discovering other manmade religions; it was evident religions were designed to control the destiny of human beings.

However, Spiritually, I still believe in an organized entity (not a person) of the never ending cycle of life and death. I also believe there’s countless universes being born and die throughout the cosmic calendar, where we humans are only an extremely small part of the equation. Lifeforms run rapid throughout the universes, even in our own known universe we see today. The problem is, once a civilization gets to the point where religion and intelligence collide, it’s the religious radicals who destroy their planet and very existence. This is one reason we haven’t yet made any contact with another intelligent species. The other reason is the incredible distance ; literally light years away. In fact, there are many other reasons. It could be a disease/plague or natural disaster wiped out the existence of one species to another. The mathematical factors are countless to their eventual demise.

Each generation of intellect species (based on their home-world planet) have a decision to go forward and explore, reaching out to other lifeforms or stagnant on their planet (like earth) polluting and over-populating each planet until that particular species eventually destroy themselves.

On Earth – We human beings still have a choice.

We must act soon before we’re eliminated from the cycle of life, be it natural causes or our own destruction.

This is why I wanted to write my screenplay ‘Black Angels’ – it’s an eye-opener to the truth of our very existence. We only have to begin to leave manmade religion behind and pursue our Spirituality with the goal to continue our species ahead into a new wave on the cosmic timetable.

The question is,” Will we be the first species to survive and welcome other species into our collective?”


“Will we become a past existence where another species ( millions of years from now) find our bones, like we found the dinosaurs 🦕? “

All I know is, our time is running out. It’s my belief, we may have another 400 -1000 years before we get our act together. We must explore and keep advancing beyond earth, before it’s too late.

We all understand the phrase ‘ Don’t put all your eggs in one basket.’

I only hope my screenplay reaches the cinematic screens. It’s indeed a costly adventure, but how much money is your life worth? It’s crucial for the existence of mankind, to begin telling the truth of our existence without being plagued by religious beliefs.

Maybe that’s too dramatic however…

All I can do is keep promoting BLACK ANGELS by writing articles and producing my art pieces through INSTAGRAM. Maybe, just maybe, a director of production company is listening…

Bari Demers – screenwriter and storyteller

Join me on TWITTER and please pass along the vision of our future.



Behind Black Angels

Ancient Origins


*Pandora Box was actually a jar and not a box at all. It was misinterpreted through translations. However, PANDORA was said to be the first created woman. It was thought the GODS OF THE HEAVENS produced immortals, such as Prometheus, Epimetheus and the Titans to help control the heavens and earth from a raging war. Please read more HERE [1]

WIKIPEDIA: “According to Hesiod, when Prometheus stole fire from heaven, Zeus, the king of the gods, took vengeance by presenting Pandora to Prometheus’ brother Epimetheus. Pandora opened a jar left in his care containing sickness, death and many other unspecified evils which were then released into the world.[4] Though she hastened to close the container, only one thing was left behind – usually translated as Hope, though it could also have the pessimistic meaning of “deceptive expectation”.[5]

From this story has grown the idiom “to open (a) Pandora’s box”, meaning to do or start something that will cause many unforeseen problems.[6] Its modern, more colloquial equivalent is “to open a can of worms“.[7]”