WE ARE ALL HUMAN. However, with over 7.4 billion people, we can’t seem to get along. Mother Earth is barely holding on, as diverse cultures breed across its globe.

Mother Earth is constantly being misused by HUMAN BEINGS, polluting the lands, our oceans and the air we breathe. As we coexist with millions of species of wildlife, our arrogant self is damaging our planet faster then ever before. Our over-populated species are crowding every little space, consuming our resources at an alarming rate. WE already know, in order to sustain us, our species must explore the universe, sure to infect another planet, before it’s too late.


We’re like this out-of-control virus, with this incurable sensation to survive, no matter what. However, nature is fighting back. It’s in our genetics, tracing back to our prehistoric ancestors (the caveman) keeping close to our KIND.

Our “kind” can be divided up into five races :

• Caucasoid

• Negroid

• Capoid

• Mongoloid (Oriental/ Amerindian)

• Australoid (Australian Aborigine and Papuan)

It’s then we’re subdivided into each of our origins, such as English, French, and Italian. After this division, we become more divided by each religion and culture. AND – that’s where everything goes to HELL. Nature is fighting back because of our narrow mindedness. We humans cause wars over religion, race, culture and colour, in an attempt to say we’re a better race or have the right religion. In the end, we’ll eliminate ourselves as nature continues on without us. It may take a million years, but Mother Earth will reboot, starting up another evolutionary species.

It’s sad, really.

Here we are ; intelligent HOMO-SAPIENS evolving from our ancestors, but too stupid to realize our own fate, due to arrogance. Our species are resourceful but can never accept or respect each other for who we are.


Instead we nitpick, clumped together in each of our own cultures, like the caveman we are. Let’s look at ME for example. My culture is said to be a mixture of French and Italian, but my DNA throws in Cree. Because I’m NOT one hundred percent French, Italian or Cree, each culture doesn’t consider me part of their family. As far as their concerned, I’m just a cross-breed, otherwise known as “Heinz 57”. It means, the French, Italians and Cree don’t respect me for who I am. THEY will NOT welcome me into their homes, because technically I’m not part of their culture.


Even though my father comes from a long line of DEMERS following back to the origins of France, settling in Lower Canada 🇨🇦 (now Quebec) way before the English ever step foot on Canadian soil, the French will never consider me their own.

Even though my mother comes from a long line of VARZES since the Roman Empire, the Italians have never welcomed me into their homes, since my grandfather died.

Even though my French ancestors played house with the first nations (indigenous aboriginal) people, the Cree think of me as an outsider. When we use the term, “Indian”, we’re quickly referred to as being racist, when their race freely refer us, as “White Man”. Believe it or not, both slangs are indeed racist.

Let me explain further.

I’m an artist, be it writing, drawing or graphic design. My Art has taken me along many adventures, including submersing myself into the Northwest Native Art, for the past 40 years. Just recently I asked a member of the First Nations people to help me with this design, as I want to explore the inner meanings of their culture. This is what this person told me, “ I don’t feel comfortable giving advise because the art work you are trying to produce is a form of cultural appropriation. There is more knowledge that goes into a design, that has been passed down from many generations, and has almost went extinct. This is our form of visual language. I appreciate that you enjoy our culture, but there is so much more to learn to respect the artwork.”

Teach me then.

Please teach me the right way to embrace your culture. No response.

Little does she realize I’ve study this art form when I was a teenager. I’m well aware of each cultural background, but like many First Nations People, they each have their own spin on it. It’s their personal art, from their inner soul and spirituality. I may not be one hundred percent Cree, but that’s doesn’t make me an outsider.

Cultural Appropriation.

Now that term is offensive to any artist on this planet. Each artist has his/her own way to express their inner demons of expression, since the dawn of mankind. Each tribal member may have its own form of language arts, but it’s not right to say, we don’t have the right to express it in our own form. That’s like telling an artist you’re banned from expression. I truly understand they want to keep their culture and way of life, passing it down from generation to generation. In fact, I totally respect their culture, requiring guidance, to pursue my artwork. BUT…not to allow an artist to express themselves, has gone too far. Ironically, she asks her followers to draw their expression of Spiritual animals, such as a whale, raven or eagle. Isn’t that also a form of cultural appropriation ?


I’m a human beings, like any other human being on this earth. All I’m asking is to stop crying wolf when you’re doing the same to others. Treat me as a human being. Treat me NOT as an outsider, but share me your culture. WE must all be treated like EQUALS, no matter your race, religion or cultural upbringing. Embracing each other as a loving family is when WE may eventually get along. To close-the-door in my face is not only rude but arrogant, no matter who YOU are.

The French and Italians have done the exact same thing. So be it. I’m CANADIAN and extremely proud to be part of this wonderful country. My culture is Canadian, that’s my NEW culture.

It frustrates me to no end, as each culture embraces their own, without inviting outsiders, welcoming them in. I say,”Look forward to the future, embrace each human being as your GOD intended YOU to. It’s called respect.”

By Bari Demers – screenwriter

NOTE : Please be respectful. You never know what may come out of it.

Nefertiti and Black Angels

The ART piece of Nefertiti and its relationship to Black Angels by Bari Demers.

About Nefertiti:

As you see above, my art piece is the Egyptian Queen Nefertiti, Royalty of the Pharaoh Akhenaten dynasty. However, you can see a remarkable change, including her alien eyes, I cleverly crafted.

Queen Nefertiti is indeed a historical wonder, as there isn’t any trace of a tomb where she may lie today. One recent theory was believed her secret grave might have been hidden beneath the Tutankhamun’s tomb. Unfortunately, a radar scan preformed by a National Geographic team, turned up no visible trace.

The other theory is ( according to Wiki ) “…Nefertiti ruled as Neferneferuaten after her husbands death.”

Whatever may be the case, their dynasty, indeed, was in turmoil.

Nefertiti and Akhenaten ruled together from 1353 to 1336 B.C. Their New Kingdom of the 18th Dynasty turned controversial, due to the upheaval of a new religious structure, where only ONE GOD, ATUM was introduced, rejecting the earlier Egyptian beliefs of many GODS. After their deaths, the Egyptian Priests defaced all transcripts and monuments, changing back to the original worshipping of, “The Gods of the Heavens.”

Unfortunately today, archeologists are having a rough time trying to solve the mystery of “Where does the Tomb of Nefertiti lie ?”

It may be as simple as tomb robbers have already taken the riches, fading into history. Optimist I am ( sound like Yoda – lol Read also Obi-Wan) it’s my belief it’s just a matter of time before they solve the puzzle behind our mysterious Queen Nefertiti.

Graphic Art Explained:

The before image ( as you see) is the original artifact, presently on display at the Neues Museum in Berlin, Germany.

[Follow me on Instagram for more digital art displays.]

My transformation of Nefertiti took over 8 hours, into the image you see now. There are several stages of intricate artwork to transform my art of Nefertiti into the goddess for my genre science-fiction horror screenplay Black Angels.

I’m NOT a professional graphic artist but a freelance screenwriter. Even still, I do have two years of Applied Arts from Okanagan College in Kelowna , BC, Canada 🇨🇦(way back in the 70’s). Since then technology and graphic art techniques have changed drastically with the help of computers. If I were to restart my career today I would apply at the Visual College of Art and Design (VCAD) in Vancouver. Here they provide excellent courses on Visual Effects Art and Design, Graphic Design, Game Development and Design. Maybe then I would be accepted at MPC Film ( Movie Picture Film Company), also in Vancouver.

As they say,” It is what it is”, meaning I can’t change my history.

However, any ART I do is often an expression of who I am inside. Be it, writing my science-fiction stories or painting, it means so much to me personally. Maybe one day I will be as famous as Picasso, like so many dead artist are. Who knows?

The Relationship of Black Angels :

Lately, my concentration of my art is simply to promote my screenplay Black Angels. I want my audience (scifi fans) to envision my characters within my storyline.

BLACK ANGELS – “Pride had cast him down..O to Sacred Earth…a Black Evil has spread across the Lands…O to the horrors of Earth.” BMD

It’s inevitable.

Black Angels is a science-fiction horror genre based on the arrival of our Ancestors and how it changed mankind forever.

Nefertiti is a descendant of Queen Siri .

Queen Siri is believed to be one of “The Gods of the Heavens” who traveled here from Planet Sirius 5, within the Canis Major Constellation.

Even though ancient Egyptians built remarkable architectural pyramids, they still weren’t the true gods from the heavens. Even though the “Gods of the Heavens” did visit earth, they left due to mysterious reasons. I believe my screenplay has cracked the case on what really happened to our alien ancestors. Queen Siri was a descendant of the true gods, who helped the human Egyptian race to form their ancient culture. After the “Gods of the Heavens” disappeared, they tried to imitate the gods as best as they could, but still were not as effective as the gods were.

The pyramid structures of today are a good example of this.

Nefertiti was indeed a real Egyptian Queen and a legacy to the Egyptian history. Even though she was descendant of Queen Siri , only Queen Siri and her crew were responsible in transforming us human beings into what we are today. It’s my believe, theses gods were a highly advanced civilization who discovered earth over 150,000 years ago, in the time mankind was still trying to get a foothold on earth. With cross genetic manipulation, man’s evolution was fast forward into the creation of a different kind human race. Different in, if mankind continued on without altering our genetics and followed the evolutionary timeline, it would have taken man another two millions years to develop correctly.

It brings into question, “why we are the way we are today?”

Today, it’s obvious how a destructive race of human beings we can be. Our history and religion surely shows our cruel vindictive selfs. Maybe if the “Gods of the Heavens” were here today, guiding us into a better race of people, (we so far miserably failed) we may have become a more peaceful respectable human species, without war, crime and deceit.

Unfortunately, something terrible happened to our true ancestors and it’s my belief my story of Black Angels explains their fate. It may be, they’re secretly here on Earth – you never know!

I hope you enjoy my ART and stories. Please support my efforts by either purchasing my art or gifting within my stories.

By Bari Demers – screenwriter and storyteller 960 words

Follow me here :




Happy Friday Everyone!

I decided to rewrite one of my scifi stories on a different format other then WordPress in the attempts of allowing viewers to “gift” my efforts, if they choose to do so. Here’s the first page of the First Chapter of my Scifi online Book.

I hope you enjoy – CLICK HERE

Follow along here or on my new platform for continuing short stories in each Chapter of my online Book.

Thank you,

Bari Demers – screenwriter ” I envision a story and bring it to Life” BMD

PS – I hope you enjoy my latest art piece above.

Also : BLACK ANGELS “Pride had cast him down…Oh to Scared Earth. A Black Evil has spread across the Lands…O to the HORROR of Earth.

It’s inevitable!

BLACK ANGELS : A science-fiction horror genre based on the arrival of our Ancestors and how it changed mankind forever!

My Art Gallery Promoting Black Angels 

Black Angels by Bari Demers
Welcome to my Art Gallery promoting my screenplay BLACK ANGELS.  I’m a self taught Canadian graphic artist, but do have the traditional Fine Art diploma ’76 from Okanagan College in British Columbia, Canada. 

BLACK ANGELS is a science-fiction horror genre based on the arrival of our ancestors and how it changed mankind forever. 

I’ve always had an interest in anything related to SciFi and/or Horror, from Aliens to 2001: A Space Odyssey.   I could go on about my screenplay, but today I like to introduce you to science-fiction artwork and it’s my hope I will spark your interest to either follow me here on wordpress, Instagram or Twitter

Enjoy 😊 

The Ancient Egyptian Gods 

The Egyptian Gods by Bari Demers
BLACK ANGELS – The Morning Sun hides the Evening Stars – Satan’s shadow rises through the Blackness of Night

Black Angels- screenplay by Bari Demers
Here’s my fan base art poster of the new ALIEN – COVENANT 

Alien Covenant- Fanart by Bari Demers
In my screenplay BLACK ANGELS it’s my theory our ancient ancestors visited Earth by means of some kind of high energy, either through an existing SUN or gas PLANET.  With that in mind I produce the ANCIENT WORMHOLE. 

Ancient Wormhole by Bari Demers
WE HAVE ARRIVED – MARS is related to either us or our ancient ancestors finally arriving on MARS 

We Have Arrived by Bari Demers
NEXT – Here’s THE GODS OD SIRUS referred to where our Ancient Ancestors came from, within the Sirius Cluster in the Alpha Canis Majoris Constellation. 

The GODS of SIRUS by Bari Demers
My next poster BLACK ANGELS gives you a clue when they arrived.

BLACK ANGELS by Bari Demers
And here’s a movie poster teaser of BLACK ANGELS – COMING TO A WORLD NEAR YOU.

Black Angels- Coming to a World near YOU

My last piece is related to my storyline: 

IN this latest graphic art piece I produced, it’s a series of 17 separate steps to get the final result. This doesn’t include the shadows and colour arrangements. 

Look into the background- what do you see ? 

BACKGROUND: I placed the Pyramids within a crimson blue stormy night sky. You can see ancient Egypt’s King Tutankhamen, the Great Pharaoh is released into the sky from his Pyramid Tomb, continuing his journey to the afterworld.  

FOREGROUND / STORYLINE: The Priestesses BLACK ANGEL is the most powerful GOD of them all, unknown to King Tutankhamen, his precarious journey leads to the Darkside, otherwise known as the ‘DarkWorld’, trapped forever between the freedom of the LIGHT and DARKNESS.

BLACK ANGELS by Bari Demers
I hope you enjoy examples of my SCIFI HORROR ARTWORK – join my gallery on INSTAGRAM

by Bari Demers – screenwriter 

The Egyptian Gods leave behind Clues

The Egyptian Gods by Bari Demers
All the work and art I produce relates back to my screenplay BLACK ANGELS. Today isn’t any different, as I’m fascinated with ‘The Ancient Egyptian Gods’ and the ‘Discovery of King Tut’ himself. 

The behind-the-scenes of BLACK ANGELS started way back in 1980’s, when I started questioning, “Where did we come from and why are we such a destructive race?” 

The clues were out there. I just had to find them. 

Originally, with an Italian/French background, my youth was brainwashed into the Catholic faith. But, after years of observing this religion, I wasn’t satisfied with its religious doctrines, as my thirst of knowledge was never answered truthfully.  

Therefore I went on a five year journey of discovery, studying religions, from Jehovah’s Witness, Mormons, The Salvation Army, to the Bahá’í Faith.  

Intrigued by the Bahá’í faith, I began studying its origin. 

Its religious beliefs were founded by Bahá’u’lláh in the 19th century Persia. It was in defiance to the radical Islamic doctrines and unfortunately Bahá’u’lláh himself was imprisoned and exiled. Like any contradictory religion of its time, the controlling powers-to-be considered the Bahá’í faith blasphemy and was severely dealt with.  It’s really not any different today with our continuing saga of complete turmoil within this hostel environment we all live in, just because of our differences in todays religions.

Their religious beliefs revolves around the theory that Buddha, Jesus, and Muhammad were divine messengers, including Bahá’u’lláh himself. Most importantly, Bahá’u’lláh was surrounded by the idea of having a peaceful existence for all of humanity, even though to this very day, we still haven’t achieved it. Unfortunately peace into today’s society is such a taboo thought, due to worldly radical (religious) doctrines, exploiting control over their insane beliefs. 

After careful consideration of each religion, they all failed miserably, one by one. All are led to CONTROL and subject to some sort of financial gain. In the end, it was painfully clear to me, all manmade religions are clouded by one form of greed or another. 

It was inevitable. 


After my religious undertaking, I eventually decided to do more research about the Syrians, Persians, Egyptians and Roman historical accounts. The discovery of the Sirian, Persian and Egyptian Gods led me to a more profound answer to our very existence. From there (in about 1995), I started writing a series of screenplay drafts devoted to the theory, mankind was visited by ancient visitors, only referred to as the ‘GODS OF THE HEAVENS’. Even though my screenplay is a science-fiction horror genre called BLACK ANGELS, it’s based on historical accounts of scriptures, including hieroglyphic scripts and biblical prophesy, where’s it’s the understanding mankind was genetically altered prematurely from our relatives, the Denisovans or Denisova hominins, changing us into a smarter race of human beings. 

However, as this is referred to as the smoking-gun to the “missing link”, it’s without deadly consequences. 

Today, humans may be intelligent, but consider the normal evolutionary timeline, we have quickly become a dangerous species, suited more for war then peace, fighting our inner demons along the way. Discouraged by the fate of mankind, I eagerly plowed through the historical timeline of the Egyptian Dynasty, knowingly all to well, they were only representatives, trying their best to duplicate the existence of the GODS, themselves. A good example of this is when I recently discovered my own treasure of historical artifacts through tedious research of the Egyptian Pharaoh, King Tut. With this information I discovered an array of valuable historical artifacts with an amazing story behind the secret Egyptian King, the illusive boy with the golden mask. 

Here’s my discovery – 

King Tut's Chair


The Discovery of King Tut Exhibition came to North American from 1976 – 1979, showcasing Tutankhamun’s tomb in the Valley of the Kings between the tombs of Rameses II and Rameses IV. 

The fascinating historical accounts go like this:  

Incredibly, local robbers entered the tomb twice, but each time failed to find any treasures. However, in 1922, archaeologist Howard Carter found four secret chambers completely intact. For years before the discovery, Carter’s patron, Lord Carnarvon painstakingly inspected every inch in the Valley of the Kings, telling his colleague the Tutankhamun’s tomb had nothing of interest. 
But on November 22, 1922 Carter discovered one chamber, and within this chamber hide two more chambers. Inspecting the last chamber, he noticed a tight corridor leading to yet another chamber. 

As stated by the Canadian Museum of History, “This chamber was heavily guarded by two black sentry-statues, representing the royal ka (soul) and symbolize the hope of rebirth — the qualities of Osiris, who was reborn after he died.” 

Carter’s persistence had finally paid off, finding the fourth and last chamber, exposing the secret burial chamber and unfolding the legendary tomb of King Tutankhamun (the boy behind the golden mask). Within these walls, the room exposed priceless golden treasures, known as the greatest archeological findings of the 20th century. 

For my own personal interest, It would have been remarkable to be able to see these historical treasures in person, but unfortunately, King Tut treasures weren’t available during the 1986 World Exposition in Vancouver, BC, that my wife and I attended. However, what we did see was still pretty cool, featuring “The Great Pharaoh Ramses and His Time during EXPO 86.” 

Even though these impressive artifacts captivated my interest, it just isn’t the same as the real exhibition from 1976 – 1979, where it’s last visit was at the Royal Ontario Museum, Toronto, Ontario. During this time period I was busy raising a family and too broke to even think of visiting Egypt, where the artifacts remain to this very day.

Indeed, King Tutankhamun Eighteenth Dynasty is an amazing timeline in our history.  


To me, after years of studying various religions, reading and seeing historical artifacts, it became clear everyone, everywhere in history tried their best to imitate the GODS, but all fell short to duplicate our ancestral legacy. You can pretty much tell, their technology and architectural buildings weren’t up to snuff to the true GODS, they wanted so bad to replicate. 

In addition, ever since the missing-link, the peculiar advancement of our human brain (within a short evolutionary timeline) and the ever increasing violence from our savage instincts, it leads me to believe we weren’t alone in the beginning, during the birth of our homo-sapiens existence.  

On top of it all, it’s still a mystery of what happened to our fathering ancestors and exactly why did they leave ? Where did they go ? It has left us humans baffled with speculation, only to search for more answers. It’s possible we might find the truth, as mankind takes on a new adventure, searching beyond the safety of mother earth, heading towards another mystery, MARS.  

Maybe, once we reach Mars, all our questions will be answered. Or, just maybe, my screenplay, BLACK ANGELS already tells the story of our ancient ancestors, only referred to as ‘THE GODS OF THE HEAVENS’. It’s now up to Hollywood to bring us closer to the truth by releasing my screenplay BLACK ANGELS

By Bari Demers – screenwriter 


Black Angels Background 

Bahá’í Faith

The Egyptians by Timothy Reid

Exhibitions of artifacts from the tomb of Tutankhamun Tour Egypt 

Canadian Museum of History 

James Montana Scripts 

The Clues to Black Angels 

Black Angels - The Movie
Today I would like to share with you my latest art poster. 

The purpose to my art ?  

To promote my screenplay BLACK ANGELS – a science-fiction horror genre based on the arrival of our Ancestors and how it changed mankind forever.  My first quote, ” The Morning Sun hides behind the evening Stars. Satan’s shadow rises through the Blackness of Night”, is related to a clue inside the storyline of my script.  

Heres another quote,”Pride had cast him down..O to Sacred Earth…a Black Evil has spread across the Lands…O to the horrors of Earth.”

Each quote has a significant meaning behind them. The only way to understand it’s meaning is either seeing the movie or reading my screenplay BLACK ANGELS.   As the movie hasn’t been made yet, I hope my stories and art will spark interest.  To learn more about BLACK ANGELS, head over and see my website and/or click HERE too.

You can also read behind-the-scenes : The Storyline. 

Please enjoy my promotional art piece and pass it along by sharing on Twitter, FB or right here on WordPress.  Follow me here to read more intriguing mysterious science-fiction stories, that just may be related to BLACK ANGELS.  

Each poster is produced by me, a self taught graphic designer and artist. 

As for my writing technique, I like to refer my writing to Vincent Van Gogh, the art impressionist with a hidden message. All my writing hides a message leading to a deeper meaning of the storyline or a link to another mystery.  They are all connected, like a puzzle.  

By Bari Demers screenwriter 

BTW : Follow me on Twitter and Instagram too. 

Black Angels Project – the Art

BLACK ANGELS screenplay by Bari Demers

BLACK ANGELS is my screenplay project I’ve been working on for a good 7 years now. 

Above is my latest poster art piece called “Ancient Wormhole” .  Please vote by joining me on @instagram bari_scriptwriter. It helps me decide on the best art pieces for my BLACK ANGELS PROJECT.   Like here or on Instagram– I truly appreciate your help – thank you 😊.



The Desert Sun by photography Adam Pass

Photo by photographer Adam Pass from Deathvalley.  

I thought of the above quote while writing BLACK ANGELS screenplay.  

The Morning Sun hides behind the evening Stars…Satan’s shadow rises through the Desert Storm.”

My quote leaves a clue to the storyline of BLACK ANGELS.  The next quote provides a more sinister clue. 

“Pride had cast him down..O to Sacred Earth…a Black Evil has spread across the Lands…O to the horrors of Earth.”

It’s a science-fiction horror genre based on the arrival of our Ancestors and how it changed mankind forever.   

Logline:  Drug addict war hero seeks revenge for brother’s death, risking his crew in a mining expedition on planet ALPHA XL-420 for the priceless Red Crystal, essential to saving their species from a deadly virus.​

The whole purpose of producing my artistic posters is to capture movie producers and directors interest.  Eventually it will be hard to avoid my marketing quest of BLACK ANGELS screenplay. 

By Bari Demersscreenwriter