Character Outline – Priestesses Isis

Next couple of weeks I will introduce each of my characters in the science fiction screenplay BLACK ANGELS. It’s a detailed study for screenwriters, directors and science fiction fans.

BLACK ANGELS is best described in my LOGLINE

Drug addict war hero seeks revenge for brother’s death, risking his crew in a mining expedition on planet ALPHA XL-420 for the priceless Red Crystal, essential to saving their species from a deadly virus.

Earlier this spring I outlined character Commander Cardin.  Today I will develop the character of PRIESTESSES ISIS.


To better understand ISIS, we have to follow the history and its legend. Most of us are familiar with Egyptian gods with the mother goddess being ISIS herself. The Egyptian dynasties worshipped their gods as if it were the legendary religious truth. Roman rulers carried on with the same belief for over 400 years.

In today’s world Queen Siri XII is ruler.

Legend has it, the goddess ISIS was Osiris wife and became mother of Horus. It’s also been speculated, ISIS comes from the true bloodline of the ancient Sirians, who were sent here from the Alpha Canis Majoris Constellation under the orders of King Osiris (the 10th dynasty in the old kingdom of THE GODS OF SIRIUS). To the Sirians and Egyptians, King Osiris was considered the holy descendant and rebirth of THE GODS OF SIRIUS under the one and only, highest GODS of them all, LORD GOD ATUM.

In reference to today, LORD GOD ATUM is related to the same one and only GOD in the Christian Bible. In fact, written scriptures passed along from generation to generation were exaggerated to reflect their own religion, placing judgment onto mankind, during each era.

It’s under the same theory, when you give a group of people the task to whisper a message to the person sitting beside you, continuing around the table, the original message presented to the last person becomes completely distorted into a different message altogether. 

Each religion distorted the truth from one generation to the next.

The same holds true for the GODS OF THE HEAVENS or more closely related to THE GODS OF SIRIUS. Our ancient ancestors were praised as GODS, simply because our barbaric thinking back then, we really couldn’t understand the advanced technology of an intelligent alien species. 

Hence, throughout history mankind worshipped the GODS OF THE HEAVENS

The Legend of ISIS has since been distorted, as mankind couldn’t comprehend the power of ISIS. Therefore, in my screenplay BLACK ANGELS we explore the truth of our ancestors. Who they were and how they became the GODS OF THE HEAVENS. So now you have an idea of the story behind of our ancestors. Read more for further explanation HERE.

Lets learn the character outline for ISIS from an actors point-of-view. 


ISIS is a female High Priestesses, exercising politically and religious powers within a KINGS DYNASTY.   She’s responsible in keeping King Osiris powerful kingdom in check, sort-of-speak.  Her decisions are for her children preventing dictatorship. 

  • All female priestesses of this statue are referred to “The Way to The Gods of Sirius“.   
  • Her religious standing in the community is well respected and sometimes even feared. 
  • Only females born with psychic SPIRITUAL powers are said to be born prophets. This phenomenon is very rare and happens only once, every one thousand years. They are said to be able to communicate with THE GODS OF SIRIUS, unattainable to anyone else. In some extremely rare incidents, the High Priestesses can communicate with LORD GOD ATUM while in a spiritual trance. 
  • Males can never be born prophets because they can’t posses the spiritual powers. In Sirian history, male kings have tried to say they were prophets sent by LORD GOD ATUM. Because their genetic DNA coding, it’s an impossibility for males to achieve this high standard. Most kings who have declared themselves prophets were quickly revealed as false prophets. 

Historical records have read, that during THE FIVE KINGS DYNASTY, there was unrest on SIRUS 5, leading to dictatorship. Their actions lead to extreme poverty amongst its people, while the Kings of this era were spoiled with riches. After a revolutionary war broke out amongst the people, THE FIVE KINGS DYNASTY was no more.   All five kings were put to death. The Revolutionary War was named THE BLOODY WAR OF SIRIAN 5. 

After this time in history, female PRIESTESSES had political control. 

  • As stated, King Osiris power can NOT be swayed by Priestesses ISIS, as her spirituality is stronger then his. Even though King Osiris ruled the 10th dynasty in the Old Kingdom of THE GODS OF SIRIUS and considered the holy descendant and rebirth of THE GODS OF SIRIUS, Priestesses ISIS is far more powerful, having the power to overrule a decision by the King. 
  • The Holy Scriptures states that the CHILDREN OF SIRIUS are considered as the rebirths of THE GODS OF SIRIUS up until the age of 10 years old. It was then said THE GODS OF SIRIUS transformed themselves back into the realm of the heavens. Any child killed by any form would mean certain death to the person involved, including shaming down the line of existing families.
  • Priestesses ISIS is said to be the mother of all children. 
  • Even though Priestesses ISIS has political and spiritual power, her role in any MISSION is to be an adviser and mentor to the spiritual world. She can’t interfere with the mission’s Commander unless she feels her people are threatened. 
  • ISIS is devoted to her CHILDREN and will do anything to protect them, at all costs. 
  • Priestesses have the option of becoming involved with a partner. The partner must be a descendant of the ROYALTY BLOODLINE to THE GODS OF SIRIUS. Because of this restriction, most priestesses never get married. 
  • When a priestesses ever falls in love with her partner, her love is forever strong and she will do anything to protect her LIFE SOUL MATE. Even though, this is a very rare occurrence. 


  • She’s tall and lean. 
  • Brilliant oval blue eyes only acquired by a born prophet. This is usually the first sign of evidence revealing a true prophet to THE GODS OF SIRUS. The eyes are bigger then a normal person.
  • ISIS is a genius with remarkable understanding of the spiritual world. Telepathy is evident. 
  • A priestesses physical lifetime can last up to one thousand years.
  • ISIS is bald. It’s rare for a priestesses to grow any hair on her body. 
  • She has the ability to glow. 
  • ISIS also has the ability to transcend into a ghostly form. This usually happens when she’s involved with the spiritual world. 
  • Her mannerisms are cold. She doesn’t have time for small chitchat or with those who are dishonest. Under the right circumstances, she can have warm feelings, but normally reserves her warmth to her CHILDREN OF SIRIUS and the CHILDREN OF THE GODS. 
  • ISIS beauty is unmistakable and sometimes can lead to awkward moments, when a male species is lead into a trance by her beauty. Males are like butter in her hands, if she so wishes it. 
  • A priestesses is mortal and can become injured. Her weakness is unknown. 
  • ISIS skin is pale white but still very attractive. 
  • She’s all female, but her sexually is highly classified.  


Charlize Theron 

Uma Thurman 

Nicole Kidman 

Liv Tyler

Gisele Bundchen – model 

Angelina Jolie 

This concludes the developing character outline for PRIESTESSES ISIS

My CHARACTERS OUTLINE will most likely continue on with KAREN JEFFERSON
Please follow me here for a continuation of our screenplay studies and my stories from dreams to reality.


By Bari Demers screenwriter and freelance writer