Black Angels

They say,” Always keep close to your dreams.” 

My dream visualizes the screenplay  BLACK ANGELS  at its Hollywood premier, on a Fall evening in Los Angeles.   You know what I mean…the  typical Hollywood scene with movie stars strutting along the red carpet supporting my blockbuster film, BLACK ANGELS

Black Angels is a sci-fi horror genre, possibly starring my favourite actress, Charlize Theron as the High priestesses, Milla Jovovich as Gill,  Kelly Reilly as Ezzie,  Antje Traue or Olivia Wilde as  Karen Black , Keanu Reeves as Commander Cardin , Ewan McGregor as Rex Freeman and Peter Stormare as Red.

My obvious pick for Best Director could be James Gunn or Tim Burton.  Both are remarkable directors and would make my screenplay  BLACK ANGELS pretty awesome.  

Walt Disney Productions  (aka Marvel Studios) is the obvious choice, with President Kevin Feige ( also film producer making a whopping 10 billion in revenue) running the show.  

The storyline and screenplay is by screenwriter, Bari Demers. ( That’s me đź‘˝)  

LOGLINE: Drug addict war hero seeks revenge for brother’s death, risking his crew in a mining expedition on planet ALPHA XL-420 for the priceless Red Crystal, essential to saving their species from a deadly virus.

Follow more for the Synopsis.


Graphic Drawing by Bari Demers

Black Angels brings to light the question mankind has asked since the beginning of time –  Are We Alone

Ancient Alien Theorists believe mankind was visited over 100,000 years before man ever had a foothold on earth.  It’s also stated an intelligent species crossed their genetics to form who we are today.  Question is :  Did mankind get a genetic transformation, leaping us ahead of our own evolutionary timeline? 

It’s very possible.

As you can see by our historical past and the continuing struggle we have today, mis-informed religious fanatics spill innocent blood onto our streets.  It’s as if the savage Homo Sapiens can’t catchup to its own intellect.  Are we simply a product of LUCY genetically transformed by an intelligent species ? Can we irraticate our savage instinct before it’s too late ? 

Our future is uncertain.

Could mankind be erraticated by an asteroid, or will extremists (dictators) make the wrong choice?  If we keep hanging on to religions instead of persuing spirituality, our fate may be decided.  It’s important we grow into a responsible civilzation, getting rid of the extremist once and for all.  Black Angels may have plagued us with our darkest secrets, but we are more than capable into becoming a strong loving interracial society.  

It really is up to us.

In the corner of my dream, I see a new intellectual alien on Mars.  We ARE the new ALIENS reaching out to new worlds, creating new civilzations.  In time, we too will become the mysterious Ancient Aliens on an unknown planet far far far away.

By  Bari Demers 

PS : BLACK ANGELS may one day become your next science-fiction thriller, so stayed tuned by following me on Twitter.  AND if any of the above actors would like to read my screenplay, they can. 

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