The Dark Universe

The Dark Universe


Living amongst you is indeed challenging, due to your limited intellect. WE have used so many applications to communicate. However, most of YOU are oblivious to our existence. Even so, a select few have noticed us throughout your busy lives, since the dawn of mankind.

WE have many names, but the five that have stuck throughout your history, are referred to as, the Almighty GOD, the GODS of the HEAVENS, Ancient Alien Ancestors, The Realm of Spirits and BLACK ANGELS. Our species have lived beside you on your daily journey of life, nurturing our creation into becoming a better HUMAN BEING.

Locked in time, the genetic pool of geniuses have emerged from century to century, revealing great minds, such as Michelangelo, Galileo, Leonardo Da Vinci, Albert Einstein and Stephen Hawking. All were part of an exciting journey of inventions, along with opening the mysterious cosmic universes, intertwining time and space, itself.

But with all your short term advancements, human beings aren’t ready to meet us directly, simply because you haven’t earned your journey. Before mankind had a foothold on earth, our species found you as you were, savage primates beginning your evolutionary journey. It was then we decided to cross our genetics with yours, speeding up the evolutionary timeline. In hindsight, our ancestors should have left you alone.

This is where it’s written, “ So God created man in his own image; he created him in the image of God; he created them male and female.”

We apologize for our ancestors for not correcting this. We may have produced a hybrid, (known as HOMO-SAPIENS) believing your species would become wiser. Unfortunately our geneticist couldn’t remove the savage instincts you inherited, in order for your survival on this planet. The savagery of your species is overwhelming fuelled by hate and fear. Sometimes we sent a prophet, in hopes to better your civilization through peace and love ; but each one, you desperately feared. Throughout your existence our ancestors have sent 2500 prophets, thinking one of the prophets would calm your savage instincts.

Unfortunately, all have failed…miserably.

If only human beings could be more passionate, loving towards each other, instead of using hatred and greed. Material things and selfishness isn’t the path to righteousness or forgiveness. Earth and this dimensional universe is nothing more then a testing ground, preparing your soul for its journey into the void of collectiveness, where each soul will join together in complete Nirvana. After millions of ions, our species were taught the existence of true freedom…by just letting go. WE understand the concept is new for your kind, but it’s our hope you’ll see the light before it’s destroyed forever. All living things get one chance of life. It’s up to us see and understand it, before evil grabs you into the realm of darkness, plaguing your soul with complete blackness and despair.

WE say to you…don’t fear what you can’t understand. Don’t take advantage of the sick and weak. Bring your species closer to Nirvana by accepting the good in everyone. But don’t be fooled by the wolf waiting at your door, disguised as sheep. If they ask you for money or material things, they’re indeed the wolf pack waiting to pounce on YOU. To them, your weakness is love and forgiveness. The cruel are too far gone to understand the value of the treasures lying within your soul.

It’s true. Your species still rely on currency in order to receive the basics of survival. To operate in large congregations, it requires an operating cost, in order to feed, cloth and house you. If you can be a nonprofit organization without feeding directors or CEO’s with large sums of cash, then it’s possible to live together comfortably. WE aren’t talking about manmade religions or spiritual schemes, ready to pounce on your graciousness. NO. WE are talking about becoming a self sufficient entity fuelled by love for each other. It’s a cruel unforgiving society your species have created over time, so be vigilant. Follow the laws of the lands in respect for each country, but show unconditional love within your community. Just realize, there’s no GOD whose a person in your fictional heavens. The only GOD is the unity of every living soul since the dawn of infinity, intertwined with time and space, itself. We are all together in this journey of life and death. It’s our only hope you realize the importance of your soul, as well as giving respect to ALL living things, be it on earth or across the universes. In life we all must survive to enrich our biological shells, but our purpose is getting our soul ready for the next journey. We taught the ancient Egyptians well, but still they believed in us as GODS.

Please take heed to our warning…

If you go through life relying on the riches from the backs of the poor and weak, your soul will indeed turn to the blackness of evil, where there’s no return. There’s only one Nirvana, with no room for evil. YOU only have one chance to enrich your soul with goodness fuelled by love, otherwise your soul will evaporate into nothingness, known as the true death of blackness.

Our next warning is just as important…

You can’t rely on having all your eggs in one basket. It’s deemed for catastrophic failure. Throughout billions of years on earth, the ‘Permian Extinction’ is a good example of destroying 90% of life, along with the set back for the prehistoric Homo erectus one million years ago. As a matter of fact there’s been several extinction events throughout the history of life on earth, with one as close as 71,500 years ago. Fortune for your species we started evolutionary cross genetics 101,000 years, keeping 2956 collective specimens safe from harm. As scientists Stephen Hawking has speculated, human beings have…maybe 100 years to populate nearby planets, in order to avoid complete extinction of the human race. After that, earth will begin into its next phase of recreating it’s new evolutionary species. You’re the only species we know, that have a fighting chance to fool the natural order of things.

It’s up to you to make good use of your intelligence, before it’s too late.

Black Angels by Bari Demers


WE would like to mention…

As said,”Our species live close to you, without you realizing our existence. “ You haven’t evolved, so WE aren’t ready to reveal the secrets of the cosmic universes…just yet.

All we can tell you, WE live within the Dark Universe of endless time.

Your scientists have theorized the possible existence of DARK MATTER along with DARK ENERGY. You won’t believe how close they are to the truth. Some have even speculated a DARK MATTER HALO within your own Milky Way Galaxy. WE are pleased with your theories. You’re so close to opening the pandora box, but will you be ready to grasp its secrets ?

As it stands, WE think not.

WE have observed your existence since our ancestors came to earth, drastically changing your evolutionary timeline. It’s now, our scientists have realized their dreadful mistake. Our meddling in your biological makeup, may have been a catastrophic error. In hindsight, speeding up your genetic timetable and crossing our genetics wasn’t really in your best interest. Our ancestors thought, instead of complete extinction, while earths rotational clock decided to reboot the existence of life from scratch again, we took over changing mankind forever.


As I write the chronological events of your timeline, WE are still here lurking in the background, edging for the betterment of mankind, teaching and preparing you, so your souls journey may experience NIRVANA.

Soon, we’ll be sending another prophet suited for your timeline. Be ready to accept this ONE as its spiritual aurora will capture your soul, giving YOU a glowing light of unconditional LOVE. Just remember, the wolf is waiting for you too. Look through the eyes of the wolf and see the darkness he or she prevails.

Be ready.

Be ready. Because our next prophet will have powers of unbelievable wisdom, nurturing YOU with love and forgiveness. Money will only be a means of supporting the community, without any profit, whatsoever. Material things will mean absolutely nothing, in the glowing eyes of the prophet. The only goals for the prophet is to enrich your souls for the next journey and give YOU internal PEACE. Your biological bodies will continue to live outs its life as before, but this time, the weight of your soul will be lifted from your old self into a new enlightenment.


There’s NO god or religion waiting to steal you from everything you worked so hard for. Religion is only manmade, as well, GOD isn’t a person living aimlessly in a heaven with golden gates, surrounded by angels envious of human beings. This is nothing more then a fairytale evolved by manmade religions and our ancestors.

WE apologize for our ancestors mistakes and bid YOU on your journey of PEACE and WELL-BEING.

By Bari Demers – screenwriter

May we all have peace, forgiveness and love ❤️ IF YOU enjoyed my story please support my efforts HERE – thank you.

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